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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 14th, 2023


  • ARM is an instruction set similar to x86 however it is more power efficient, for a number of reasons.

    It doesn’t help the confusion that ARM is a company and produces CPUs and GPUs but you can find the ARM instruction set in use on a wide range of SoC and other hardware.

    It is popular for use cases where power efficiency is important.

    For example Apple uses the ARM instruction set for their M serious which are a SoC containing CPU, GPU and memory.

    SoC = System on a Chip.

  • It’s a little amusing how many respondents thought mobile GPUs meant laptop GPUs despite it being clear in your post.

    There are several factors at play from mobile GPUs being ARM based, having unified memory and some laws of physics meaning more size and power has diminishing returns.

    Phone GPUs based are generally comparable to budget desktop GPUs on a per generation comparison.

    Despite this mobile games tend to look amazing compared to what you would expect out of a PC game on low end hardware.

    Part of this is optimisation, part of it is more efficient graphics libraries targeting a much lower range of hardware. Similar to how lower spec consoles often have great looking games, targeting only one hardware layout can allow for crazy optimisations.

    See the PS3 era games for examples of really pushing hardware to its absolute limits for graphics.

    Sadly my answer isn’t as technically detailed as Id like but it’s a complex topic when you really delve into it.

  • Belgium

    Ever heard of the Congo? Still issues there as a result. Belgium still has a monarchy last I checked, and still hasn’t fixed the evil shit they did. Well maybe there’s some movement on that. Bit overdue.



    …moving on. No seriously you can’t think of anything Germany has ever done wrong? Okay more contemporary. Shutting all those nuclear power plants so they could buy gas from Russia, which props up the Russian war machine, was an excellent move, also opening new coal mines to speed up killing all those pesky Pacific Islander peoples is great. Size 24 /S here for the people that missed it.

    South Africa

    Has an absolutely awesome record on human rights!


    Members of the South African Police Services continue to violate rights with little accountability. On July 5, the court acquitted four police officers of killing Mthokozisi Ntumba, a bystander shot and killed during student protests at the University of Witwatersrand on March 10, 2021.

    Killing students is so 70’s of them https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kent_State_shootings


    You really added Australia to this list and followed up with

    there are way more countries out there with clean colonial pasts than not

    Australia had a referendum just last year where they told Indigenous Australian’s they don’t want to give them constitutional recognition or allow the establishment of an advisory committee to Parliament. Lets not delve too deeply into the ancient history here though. The White Australia policy was only a thing until the 70’s.

    Lets move on to war crimes shall we?


    How about the secret courts that have been established?


    Or how the Government can declare evidence is of importance to “national security” without providing evidence and refuse to allow that evidence to be used in a defence against charges?


    Oof. When China does it China is bad. When Australia does it they’re “paragons” of human rights! Silly me.


    Okay now I know you’re fucking with me.


    And yea it counts if the victims are still alive, and the evil cunts that did it are still alive. Oh and would you look at the UKs partners in crime?


    Human Rights Watch has been monitoring, documenting, and assessing the human rights conditions in Rwanda since before the 1994 genocide. Serious human rights abuses continue to occur in Rwanda, including repression of free speech, arbitrary detention, ill-treatment, and torture by Rwandan authorities. Political space in Rwanda remains tightly closed and the opposition face routine threats and harassment. The reality of conditions in Rwanda calls into question and severely undermines the government’s assessment of it as a safe country for asylum seekers and refugees to be sent to, as set out in its country policy and information notes, equality impact assessment, Safety of Rwanda Bill, and its policy statement. This submission focuses specifically on the Policy Statement’s sections on Rwanda’s judiciary, human rights record, and compliance with international agreements.


    See above.


    I mean you just gave up when you said “England” and didn’t even refer to them as the UK but sure, whatever. Turkey? The authoritarian dictatorship Turkey that’s been busy genociding the Kurds. Wait a sec, the term genocide seems familiar, doesn’t that come from something Turkey did to Armenians?