Red Army Dog Cooper

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Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: August 21st, 2022


  • It has an nation observer seat at the UN, was a nation as a “mandate” after WW1 and the ICJ did make a ruling saying that Genocide was being committed there that the US passed a law threatening Palistine from recognizing.

    On top of this most of the world recognized palistine as a country only 55 of the 193 (194 if we are counting the Holy Sea/Vatican City) do not recognize palistine. I would call that International recognition if 139 members of the UN Recognize Palestine.

    So I really do not get what you are trying to say here, because it is not even techincaly correct, the International Court of Justice, United Nations General Assembly, International Red Cross Cressent and Crystal have all said it is a vioilation of international law.

    This is before I start listing the individual counts of them violating just the geneva conventions, that apply to a signitory when they they fight any war reguardless of if the other side is recognized or a signitory. and agian Palistine is internationaly recognized

  • First Interesting topic to not answer a single question I asked you.

    Um lets start here, “As a Socialist … the only arguments I get in are with Communists and Anarchists” You split up the idea of Socialist and Communist, There that is for all practical purposes a Distinction without a difference, Redflag number 1.

    Second your entire threat on Lemmygrad’s Shit Reactionaries say, first with a passionate defence of Biden , because a 2 party system, There is no diffrence between the parties, and generaly Socialists do not Endorse Biden, as he is a war criminal genocidal manach who does not care for the worker. Also all the benifits you listed, he is not doing- When someone tried to explain to you how it was rediculous you mocked them with a “call biden and demand things” and when someone else tried to explain you asked for a “Realistic solution” no understanding of what is being said.- In another explination, you said you could not read a post of that size and they only wanted to mock you, then when a shorter version was given you blocked them for being mean

    You have quite a few posts on trump being Uniquly bad, he is not as I said before he is not significantly worse than Biden or really any other polition.

    Lots of mentioning of voting like it changes anything

    You have a post saying “as a socialist american I am jellious” when talking about healthcare, with the previously mentioned I think your understanding of socialism is that its healthcare, agian You would be better discribed as a Social Democrat

    From this point I could for most of these look past them, or say its because you are new and need to learn, except with the second point you refuse to learn. By this point I am only a week back on your comments, and I look at the mod log

    If we look at the modlog you have been banned from a comunity for saying that both sides of the Isn’treal genocide campan are bad and palistine is doing this for revenge, without any sort of historical understanding of the conflict

    Called the Ukrane Russia conflict a holly war, I mean, one side is fighting to stop imperal expantion on its boarder (Russia) and the other is mostly Nazis who are doing a genocide (Ukraine)

    Calling the PRESIDENT OF CHINA Pooh, This is 1) racist and 2) the PRC is a socialist nation, you can disagree with them but like, not be a total racist

    And this is how I am concluding you are not a Socialist, I am sorry if this is too long for you and you refuse to read it, I did only stop after 7 days.

    Look at its heart I agree with Dr.Che, If you tremble with indignation at every injustice, then you are a comrade of mine. Not only by your words, and I assume actions though I do not know you in real life, not a socialist, by the Standards set by the good doctor, that I also use, you are not a comrade of mine

  • Dude I have looked through your “Overview” you are not a socialist, a social democrat at best.

    Also there is no real and practical difrence between Socialist and Communist, there are some very fun nit-picky definitions, but generally they are interchangeable.

    Also few quick tests. Thoughts on Isn’treal Thoughts on the USSR Thoughts on the GDR Thoughts on the PRC Thoughts on Cuba Thoughts on Biden

  • I am speaking super carefully, because I just got done? maybe arguing with a whole bunch of people from .world who seemed to think any fighting or asymetirical rules of war from palistine was a genocide aganst Isn’treal.

    And while I will say things Like I want Isn’treal wiped from the map or even the term isn’treal, I personaly have not ment it as the complete anialation, nor do I think it will come to that, nor do I realisticly think that is what the palistinians want, though I cannot speak for them.

    What I would expect the Palistinians would want is their land back … all of it… and the genocide to stop. and I would be willing to bet, that at some point when the aid stops coming or it gets too uncomfertable they will leave, just from the previous power balances. I do not particularly want to see a mass slaughter of the people of Isn’treal, even if I think some deserve the wall.

    I would also like to point out the palistinians really had no other choice, their choices where, do nothing and be genocided slowly and quietly, or fight back, and have a CHANCE of not getting completly wiped out, I am not saying either option was great, but I am saying if I understand the position they where in, I cannot say I would have made a difrent one

  • that is not all of what accounts for 2 citizenship holding, For example if I moved to Canada, as a Yank, and had a child, my child would be born with dule citizenship, even though my child was not forign born as they had Jus Sanguin citizenship from the USA and Jus Soili (yes I know I miss spelled both of them) from Canada… and that would carry on, theoreticaly in perpituity (though realisticly at some point through the generations if they stayed in Canada at some point someone would forget to tell the USA about the new citizen and functionaly the dule citizenship would stop)

    I am also aware that you do not have to be first generation to be a settler in a settler colony, I was trying to give the person I was replying to the benifit of the doubt in what they where trying to say, IE: the people who where born their, and do not have another citizenship to move to another country with are innocent civilians, as I mentioned it is hard in a settler colony to define between a “citizen” and a “settler” as a wise friend told me once, settler colonialism really F*cks with how nation states work