Hahaha, he’s great. Jimothy is one of his most common side characters. And he uses your naming convention for lots of his other side characters. Jimothy, Todrick, etc.
Hahaha, he’s great. Jimothy is one of his most common side characters. And he uses your naming convention for lots of his other side characters. Jimothy, Todrick, etc.
I believe you have been watching too many Dr. Glaucomflecken videos, my friend.
Swapped out the head unit on my 2016 car for a touchscreen that supports Android Auto. I got spoiled using a similar one in my friend’s rental car. It was only $600 installed at Best Buy. It’s so nice not to have to fight with keeping my phone in a display holder where I can see the map, and now I can control my phone-streamed music with my steering wheel controls. Makes driving so much more pleasant.
Same. My Sennheiser Momentum 2s over ears are god damn workhorses and I’m very abusive. And the sound is fantastic.
I know, right? Trust me, as a nurse it makes it very challenging to recommend this brand to my colleagues lol
I definitely will check them out. Kuru were a god damned revolution in my life after years of struggling with Brooks and Hoka.
Do you routinely walk 3-4 miles a day on your feet for 12 hours in addition to full time wear outside work? I’m a nurse, dude. Yes, I replace my shoes long before they’re threadbare. These feet pay my mortgage.
Now I’m mad that I didn’t even make that pun on purpose lol
And the secret to goat mowing is you gotta move the stake that the goat is tied to around the yard so the goat can get all the grass and not just one circle
Reindeer in a restaurant in Helsinki. It was good, a lot like beef. The reindeer were farmed, so it wasn’t too tough or gamey.
As an American raised in West Virginia, thinking of goat as exotic feels funny as well lol. When I was a kid, my mom had a goat to eat the grass on the hill that was too steep to mow.
That is… definitely not how any of that works.
Source: am nurse. Can explain, if you want.
Kuru brand shoes. I’m on my feet for 12 hours shifts and I actually have zero foot pain, they’re amazing. Also I have extremely high arches, and the Kuru Quantums are the first shoes I’ve ever owned in my entire life that I don’t have to add orthotic arch supports.
I buy a new pair twice a year.
I’ll second this one, and I mostly only use mine for sleep. You can get some that you mold yourself, so there’s less fear of losing them. I use Radians brand.
Avoiding 5am starvation yowls is exactly why I free feed, and I’m sure it’s going to bite me in the ass when my two are older and stop maintaining their weight easily. But for now, they’re active and healthy weight even with the free feeding. So we’ll see
The 5th Amendment to the United States Constitution affirms citizens’ right not to talk to investigating authorities. It’s what they’re referring to when you see cops in movies tell people “you have the right to remain silent”
Scrubs is well known to be the only really accurate depiction of American hospitals. Mostly because it’s the only show where nurses even exist.
Today’s high temp and humidity in Rio gives them a Wet Bulb Globe Temperature of 77⁰F, which is not great. WBGT of 80⁰-90⁰F is the danger zone, and recent research has suggested that WBGT 85⁰ is probably a more realistic upper limit of human safety.
Sources if you would like to do some doom math yourself:
Dr. Glaucomflecken taking notes over here…
As a person who has had many cats in my life, I am of the opinion that two cats is the best number of cats. If you can afford to care for and have space for a second cat, I’d say go for it.
If you’re not really experienced with cats, be aware that cats almost never get along immediately. It can take weeks of them seeming to hate each other before they become friendly. It’s helpful to put the new cat in a cage where the current cat can see and smell them, but can’t reach them with claws. That gives them a little space to get to know each other before the current cat feels like its territory is being invaded.