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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 15th, 2023


  • Bad take. Is the first version of your code the one that you deliver or push upstream?

    LLMs can give great starting points, I use multiple LLMs each for various reasons. Usually to clean up something I wrote (too lazy or too busy/stressed to do manually), find a problem with the logic, or maybe even brainstorm ideas.

    I rarely ever use it to generate blocks of code like asking it to generate “a method that takes X inputs and does Y operations, and returns Z value”. I find that those kinds of results are often vastly wrong or just done in a way that doesn’t fit with other things I’m doing.

  • CeeBee@lemmy.worldtoTechnology@lemmy.mlToday's AI is unreasonable
    4 months ago

    they are dumb as fuck

    This isn’t an argument in the way you think it is. Something being “dumb” doesn’t exclude it from possessing intelligence. My most metrics toddlers are “dumb” but no one would ever suggest in seriousness that any person lacks intelligence in the literal sense. And having low intelligence is not the same as lacking it.

    Can you even define intelligence? I would honestly hazard a guess that by “intelligence” you really mean sapience. The discussion of what is intelligence, sapience, or sentience is far more complex and nuanced than you’d expect.

    follow a stupid algo

    Our brains literally run on an algorithm.

    the data make them somewhat smart, that’s it

    And where’s the intelligence in people without the data we learn?

    They don’t learn anything by themselves

    I don’t know what you even mean by this. Everything learns with external input.

    I could do that with a few queries and a database.

    The hell you could! This statement demonstrates you have absolutely no clue what you’re talking about. LLMs learn and process information in a method extremely close to how biological neurons function. We’re just using digital computation instead of analogue (the way all biology works).

    LLMs have regularly demonstrated genuine creativity and even some emergent properties. They are able to learn certain “concepts” (I put concepts in quotes, because that’s not the right word here) that we as humans intrinsically know. Things like “a knight in armour” are likely to refer to a man, because historically it was entirely men that became knights, outside of a few recorded instances.

    It can also learn general distances between cities/locations based on the text itself. Like New York city and Houston being closer to each other than Paris.

    No, you 100% absolutely in no way ever could do the same thing with a database and a few queries.

  • Lol, especially because I work in IT. I’m tired of companies only issuing laptops to employees when SFF systems get you more for less. The company where I work currently sends out a laptop, two monitors, a mouse, and keyboard for all hires.

    They were giving out 8GB systems to developers (mostly running Windows and Visual Studio). It was a massive issue. I made a big deal out of it and advocated for new systems with 32GB. They bought new systems, sent them out, and it turns out they all had 16GB.

    The person doing the order missed that detail and thought they were getting a deal for the company. Which resulted in a complicated process of ordering everyone an extra stick of RAM and then trying to instruct everyone how to open a laptop to install the RAM.

    A SFF system would have solved much of these problems. Cheaper than laptops, usually better specs and thermals, and far easier to upgrade.

    So to me, there’s a massive difference between desktops and laptops.

  • So most of the entire world is using windows/mac if they want to do something serious other than web browsing.

    Absolutely not. Depending on what you want to do, Linux enables you to do way more than Windows.

    And most of the linux desktop usage is contributed by enterprise and office pcs using linux.

    Do you have actual numbers for this, or is it just entirely your own anecdotal observation?

    Even if developers follow these numbers and start supporting linux, they will soon realise it is not worth their time because linux usage is mostly due to enterprise running chrome.

    Garbage argument. It’s like the whole induced demand nonsense city project planners use. No one ever says “I’m only using Linux because I don’t need the extra stuff Windows can offer”, instead what you often hear is “I’d switch to Linux if this one specific application wasn’t Windows only”.

    The largest thing that has held Linux adoption is application compatibility.

    And one fact that I know that questions your “it’s only cheap enterprises” argument is that Linux is huge in the academic sector in India (and the world also). More than half of the AI and ML demo videos on YouTube are from Indian accounts.

  • These numbers are inflated due to our population and government and health sector office pc using linux

    So just like Windows numbers being massively inflated because of corporate computer fleets?

    These office pcs just require a chrome browser and all the work is done on the browser Nobody here cares what os they use in their office pc.

    Right, so again, the mostly the same with Windows for both office and personal use.

    I don’t see anyone here switching to linux on their personal pc other than the IT students who are forced to install kali linux.

    What are you expecting exactly? Is the choice of each person supposed to be formally announced? Are we supposed to real into a populated areas and declare like Micheal Scott “I declare: I’M USING LINUUUUUX!”?

    People here buy desktops only for gaming/content creation, which means most households here doesn’t need/require a desktop.

    You just described the entire world. This is far from unique to India. Most people I know don’t have a desktop and maybe have a laptop, and I live in North America.

    Not to be conceded, but I’m guessing this post is in response to my comments from a couple days ago?

    I really don’t understand your point. It’s like you’re saying “the users in India don’t count because they’re not using Linux the way I do”.

    Does that mean that all the workstations at CERN don’t count? Or that the systems up on the ISS don’t count?

    To me (and I’m certain most people in general would agree) the ISS story is very important, because they were originally running Windows on those systems, but it kept crashing. They switched to Linux to get more stability out of those systems and have been using Linux ever since.

    Also, does the story of the City of Munich switching to Linux not count either? It’s supposed to be a major win, btw. A city government switching away from Windows and choosing to go with Linux is huge. I see it the same way with India. The more often people are Linux in the wild, the more normalized it is and the more mind share it generates. And mind share is huge in getting people to make a certain choice. It’s the reason why product ads are everywhere. The more often you see a product/brand, the more likely you are to say to yourself “that’s the thing I’ll buy”.

    Before anyone says Munich switched back to Windows, they didn’t. Microsoft made an under-table deal with some officials with the at-the-time in power government to switch back to Windows if they set up a Microsoft office in Munich. Then a new government was voted in a few months later and said “hell no, we’re continuing with the Linux rollout” and that’s where we are today. The City of Munich is a Linux success story.

    Ultimately your post was just stating some facts and then waffling on about how it doesn’t count.

  • FAILED] Failed to mount /boot.

    Something you did made your boot partition disappear.

    Then it’s asking to give root password or press control-D, which I’ve dealt with before but this time my keyboard just doesn’t work

    It dropped you into an emergency console. Which makes sense because something has gotten terribly messed up.

    It would be helpful if you have some extra details like system specs. Partition layout (is boot, root, and home all on the same drive?). Which FS are you using, etc.

    It’s likely you’re only going to get back to a working system with a live environment. You’ll have to manually mount the important partitions (root and /boot), chroot to those mounts, and then repair the bootloader.

  • Your claim was that this is “increased awareness to the average person”. How are you mixing “average person” and “Arch extras repo”?

    You’re intentionally conflating two separate points I made.

    Point #1: the fact that you went out of your way as a result of the lawsuit news to download and try Yuzu proves my point that more people will try it out.

    Point #2: the binaries are still available in some of the usual places. For example, it’s still available in the Arch repos.

    Those two concepts aren’t directly linked together. And I decided to check out the Suyu progress and they’re making much more than just README and branding changes. They’ll have binaries available soon also.

    And like I keep saying, Yuzu wasn’t the only Switch emulator out there. So even if people can’t find Yuzu, they can find the other one which is very much active and available to use. It’s called Ryujinx, btw. It’s a terrible name, but it works.

  • Yes the project can continue. The original developers, who were obviously best suited to continue it, are gone. I’m sure suyu can do a good job, but I just don’t see how you can call it a positive.

    Well, for one thing, I never said it was a positive. I didn’t use that word, nor did I even imply it.

    Look at LibreOffice. It was forked from OpenOffice and it has far outpaced OpenOffice to the point that it’s embarrassing that OpenOffice is still being developed. Just because the original core devs are gone means nothing in the long run. Switch emulation isn’t some black magic secret project that only a handful of people know how to do. The biggest hurdle is always the DRM portion, which has long since been cracked. The rest is basic dev stuff.

    And in any case. There is another project that’s been around as long as Yuzu and is as equally capable and performant.

    I wasn’t interested in Switch emulation before this, but wanted to try out of curiosity when this happened.

    This statement literally proves my point.

    All the download sites and tutorials are dead, and sketchy alternate downloads cannot be trusted.

    The binaries still exist in some repos, like the Arch extras repo.

  • No it’s not going to have the opposite effect.

    It will. The nature of the project will shift from a core team like Yuzu had to a decentralized process. If they avoid the legal pitfalls that killed Yuzu (like donations) then there’s little to nothing that Nintendo can do legally.

    There’s already a project forked from Yuzu called Suyu that has a ton of activity on it. To me it looks like all the external contributors have jumped on to that new project and are working on removing all references to Yuzu and they will continue the work.

    The dev process has absolutely been temporarily halted and significantly slowed down, but it’s not going to stop.

    Best case scenario a different team will take over the project and continue, which is not impossible, but far from a given.

    It happened within 24hrs of the news.

    More awareness to an abandoned project?

    The binaries for Yuzu and all the tutorials still exist. Everything that has worked on Yuzu until now will continue to work forever. The news has simply increased awareness to the average person that you can play Switch games on a computer. People who otherwise would never have known about it.

    And all of this completely ignores another still existing Switch emulation project that was just as capable as Yuzu that has existed for just as long.

    So yes, it is ABSOLUTELY going to have the opposite effect. At the very “best”, Nintendo won an empty victory.

  • I really doubt that they are that stupid.

    I wasn’t referring to the Yuzu core team.

    all the ppl that were directly associated with the group are no longer legally allowed (or at least would risk a lawsuit against them) to contribute. So a lot of expertise got lost.

    Sure, the core “Yuzu” team. That doesn’t include any of the external contributors. There’s very often a larger contributor base outside of a core team in FOSS projects.

    And yes, there’s expertise that was lost. But that doesn’t mean no one else knows how to do the work. It will march onwards.