wiki-user: car

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 13th, 2023


  • I can’t imagine that’s any fun to deal with.

    “You should have known what the intent of the question was. Management won’t know or care about the internals of your code as long as it meets requirements. You have failed this test.”


    “You should know that you’re calling a function with invalid parameters. Where did you get your CS degree from again?”

  • And even if we could provide the training algorithm a perfectly diverse dataset, who gets to decide what that means? You could probably poll a million anthropologists from across the world and observe trends, but no certain consensus. What if polling anthropologists in underdeveloped nations skews in a different direction than what we consider rich countries? How about if a country was a colonizer in the past or has participated in a violent revolution?

    How do we decide who qualifies as an anthropologist? Is a doctorate required, or is a college degree with numerous publications sufficient?

    I don’t think we’ll ever see a perfectly neutral solution to this problem. At best, we can come equipped with knowledge that these tools may come with some biases, like when you analyze texts from the past. You make the best with what you have and strive to improve

  • Anybody know if there’s some sort of conscientious objector clause for the State Department?

    On one hand, anybody working for the DoS is acting in an official government capacity. That is to say it’s not about an individual’s thoughts or feelings - anybody in the job is supposed to be acting in the interests of the United States. It doesn’t really matter if you don’t like what you do. It might matter if you’re morally opposed to your tasking, but the solution to that is usually to bring it up and have somebody else to the work.

    On the other hand, the United States government, and DoS by extension, is supposed to work for the people. Here, the DoS should be taking a stance that works in the best interests of the country and its citizens. If popular opinion says that there’s a misalignment, then we need a way to fix the issues so that the organization can run in a manner consistent with the people chartering it. I’m not sure individual employees are the right people to take on this role, as there’s no consistent way to act across an organization like this.

    I’m not an expert here, but I can see reasonable arguments on both sides of this