Sometimes I make video games

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 26th, 2023


  • There’s this ad I keep seeing that I really despise. It’s for teeth-whitening toothpaste. The actress is wearing a white coat then holds up a tissue to her teeth, lamenting that her sparkling white teeth are ‘still yellow’

    They cut away to teach you how toothpaste works, because surely you’ve never heard of this newfangled thing, and when they cut back she’s no longer wearing her white coat and says how much whiter her teeth are.

    It’s transparently obvious that the wardrobe and tissue are just to give you something whiter to look at. But like… your teeth aren’t supposed to be freakishly white. It’s just something that Big Toothpaste wants you to feel bad about the way your body is. Also, using whitening toothpaste when you don’t need it can damage your enamel and cause you long term problems.

  • I was probably a child when I last read it, so I might have some details wrong, but here’s how I remember it:

    A child is given a toy rabbit. A fairy visits the toy rabbit and gives it the gift of awareness. The child and the toy bond with each other and grow to love each other. Unfortunately, the child becomes dangerously ill, and after the sickness their possessions must be incinerated to prevent contamination. This includes the toy rabbit. However, the fairy arrives at the last minute, declaring that because the rabbit learned to love it was therefore a real rabbit, and with a wave of her wand transforms the toy into a living being and whisks it off to the woods were it lives happily ever after with the other rabbits.

    So I guess my question is this - Do you think the velveteen rabbit and the fairy are real? Or is the fairy’s magic an invention of the child’s mind?

    I think the narrative required the velveteen rabbit to be burned because it was so horrible. To the grown ups it’s just velveteen, but to the child it’s a dear friend. Even as children we know that being burned is horrible. So the child invents a solution where their toy can live happily ever after even after it’s thrown in the fire.

    I think there’s definitely some Heaven and Hell symbolism to be had too. The velveteen rabbit was damned to hellfire unless it accepted love into its heart during its life. Then it is granted into the afterlife. In fact, you could say it was reincarnated into a higher spiritual form.

    The story explores coping with loss as seen from the point of view of a child. Even though the velveteen rabbit was just a toy, the child has given it a soul. If you have a soul, when you die you go to the afterlife and live happily ever after. It’s a comforting story to a child, and one that many people around the world have believed throughout the ages.

  • When I was a kid I saw an elderly man get hit by a car. He rolled over the top, which I guess is safer than being run down, but he got a lot of air and hit the pavement hard. Just kept rolling over and over. My parents shooed us away from the scene, but I can’t imagine it ended well for him.

    One time I was riding a bus that rear-ended a motorcycle. I didn’t see the collision itself, but the driver was pronounced dead at the scene.

    We often take for granted how dangerous traffic is. Your life can end in a moment doing something we casually do every day.

    I was working in a department store when a middle-aged woman collapsed in front of me. It was really warm, heat exhaustion I supposed. She looked like maybe she was drunk because she was moving kind of erratically, so I went to see if she was okay and she just fell. I’ll never forget the sound her head made hitting the concrete or the fact that she didn’t even blink. Remarkably, she was okay and was up in a few minutes, walked away and everything, really surprised me.

    The thing that probably fucked me up the most though was some videos on YouTube. I was working for a video analytics company, and we were trying to build an image classifier that could detect firearms. Well, you need data for that, so we were scraping videos of gun crime. Mostly what we were looking for was armed robbery. Lots of videos put out by the local police of somebody holding up a convenience store, and that wasn’t a big deal. But every now and then you’d find a video of someone getting shot and that really affected me. Eight hours a day of looking at gun crime with the occasional homicide peppered in was a recipe for disaster. I definitely needed therapy after that job.

  • A lot of people in this thread appear to be pretty hard on themselves. There seems to be a trend of people who want to be nice, are trying to be nice, but don’t see themselves as nice. If that sounds like you, then I’ve got some good news for you:

    You are a nice person.

    If you’re sincerely making the effort to be a better person then that’s admirable. Self improvement is hard. Too often people are quick to judge based on the result of your actions rather than the effort that’s put into them. To put it another way, we judge people by their actions but judge ourselves by our intentions.

    Treat yourself to the niceness that you’re trying to show to other people. You’re doing the best you can. You’re trying to be a nicer person which means you’re trying to grow. From tiny seedlings grow mighty oaks, and the seedling shouldn’t be shamed for starting its journey. Rather, it should be encouraged to keep growing.

    If you find it difficult to be nice, but you’re trying to be a nice person, I’d say that’s a lot nicer than being the person who dismisses another for not being ‘nice’ enough.

  • When I was young, I used to think I was pretty smart. Now the older I get, the dumber I feel.

    Speaking generally, I think most people are pretty dumb. Just because somebody thinks they’re smart doesn’t mean they are. We’re also pretty susceptible to propaganda, and carry with us countless biases that we aren’t even aware we have. Generally, humans act emotionally first - often in defiance of logic.

    That said, I don’t think people are stupid or anything. Like, we all have talents or passions or fields of study that make us special. It’s difficult to measure intelligence fairly - a mechanic might not do very well on an IQ test, but they’ve still got very specialized training and experience that I don’t share.

    Nobody should be belittling anybody for being dumb, it comes naturally to us dumb apes

  • I want to preface this by saying this teacher used to be my favorite teacher. He was really good about talking to our level, but not treating us like little kids (this was the seventh grade). You could have an adult conversation with him and he was good about engaging the class.

    So anyway, for History class we had this project about the Canada Home Children. For those not in the know, while Canada was still a British colony in the 17th century, the government started this program where colonists in the Canadian territory could adopt British children from orphanages to help on their land. In practice, this meant that people were ‘adopting’ unwanted children so they could have cheap labour. In class we learned that the kids were treated basically as slaves and typically went through lots of abuses.

    At the end of the term we had this project where we had to summarize the typical child’s experience. For my project I decided I was going to make a satirical comic. I drew several strips that each detailed something we learned about in class. I remember a kid getting lost overboard on an overcrowded passenger ship, one getting frozen solid in ice because of the harsh Canadian winter, and another being made to eat a raw turnip while the rest of the family was having a Christmas dinner.

    My teacher gave me a D for the project because he said it was disrespectful to the children.

    I went to a lot of effort for this project, really went above and beyond because I love comics. I felt I was showing the abuses the kids had gone through, and I thought the comics were funny but tasteful. I also felt that it was pretty clear that since I’m drawing the abuses of literal friggin’ children it went without saying that I was also condemning the program as inhumane.

    We had a parent/teacher meeting about it because I’d never gotten such a low grade in my life. And I was pretty upset too, I worked hard on this thing. My teacher goes on to explain that if you have to be careful with this kind of thing, because satire is tricky to get right without offending people. He then goes on to talk about A Modest Proposal, a satirical essay from around the same time where the author proposes that since the Irish were having a famine they should just eat their babies. He was talking about this as if it was the appropriate way to do satire.

    My dad asked how my cartoon about abuse was any different from a story about eating babies. My teacher didn’t have an answer, but I still had a D

    In hindsight, the story did teach me a pretty valuable lesson. If you’re going to make satire, you’re going to offend people, and you’re probably going to suffer for it. I like to think he was trying to teach me that there are stakes for speaking against injustice, and you have to be willing to accept that people are going to be critical or dismissive of you. But if you’ve offended someone with your satire, then… that’s kind of the point. Anyway, I’m happier thinking there was some lesson to it other than him just being a jerk about my project