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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 9th, 2023


  • Ryzen laptops which feature capable integrated GPUs serve light and medium gaming tasks well. For heavy use, there are desktops, which is where the real power is. Portable systems like the Steam Deck are also hitting from the mobile side as well.

    Gaming laptops have always been an extremely niche product and have gotten squeezed from all ends in recent years.

  • Yeah, that’s the issue with the argument of ‘just turn it off’. You can turn it off, then tomorrow there will be another thing to turn off (hope you were paying attention to the news to find out what it was!). The next day an update will come along and turn half of them back on. The following the mental script you made to will stop working because they moved half the settings, etc, etc, etc.

    It’s a never ending battle as Microsoft fundamentally does not respect their paying users. Microsoft could add a top-level toggle box to automatically disable bloatware, telemetry, and the privacy nightmare that is OP’s story about how the OS records everything you do, but they don’t have this. They don’t want you turning this stuff off, they don’t respect you.

  • BombOmOm@lemmy.worldtoProgrammer Humor@programming.devLife Hack
    3 months ago

    Assuming the accounting system this thing links with both does not protect from SQL injection attacks (many don’t, despite it being easy to protect against) and also has a table named “Bills” with a field named “amount”; what this would do is go through every single Bills record and half the value in the amount field. This would completely fuck the system, particularly when it came to billing and tax filing as the numbers for accounts billing and receivable wouldn’t even come close to matching each other. The accounting department would have a hell of a time fixing the damage.

  • I’m still annoyed with how verbose Objective-C is. Just check out what one has to do to create and concatenate a string. Madness:

        NSString * test = [[NSString alloc] initWithString:@"This is a test string."];
        NSString * test2 = [test stringByAppendingString:@" This value is appended."];

    And god forbid you want to concatenate two things to a string:

        NSString * test3 = [test1 stringByAppendingString:[test2 stringByAppendingString:@" Adding a third value."]];