AssortedBiscuits [they/them]

mfw you still use Windows in 2023 2024

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Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: May 22nd, 2022

  • I’ve read the responses, and they’re all predictably trash. The real answer is there’s no good way to tell if someone’s a kid because they’re plenty of mature 12 year olds and plenty of dipshit adults with poor writing skills (ie boomers). To rephrase the question, what is a dead giveaway that someone is actually not a kid?

    1. They talk about mid- to low-tier shows that your average zoomer wouldn’t know about. So someone talking about The Simpsons or Batman: The Animated Series doesn’t mean much, but someone talking about Biker Mice from Mars or Extreme Dinosaurs means they’re some millennial.

    2. They namedrop social media sites that no longer exist. Remember Xanga and Vine?

    3. They complain about body problems. Knees that feel funny before it rains. Bad back. Nose hair that never stops growing. And so on.

    4. They demonstrate an understanding on how old and obsolete technology works (typewriters, payphones, VCR, floppy disks, Limewire, DOS, modems, Blackberries). Like, average zoomers don’t know how to use those map guides that are in the form of a book.

    5. They remember how the pre-modern web was like or life before the web was like. Someone who’s <18 years old was born after 2006, when the modern web was still being build.

    6. They remember ancient memes and fads that are obscure enough that it isn’t some zoomer looking up random memes on knowyourmeme.

    7. They’re horribly out of touch with what kids enjoy. Notice this is different from passing judgment on what kids enjoy because they’re plenty of things I thought was stupid when I was a kid. But when you say shit like “only 13 year olds like Tiktok” or “only kids like Minecraft” yeah you’re just out of touch.

  • The high point of Taiwanese separatism was in 2019 when Tsai Ing-wen, despite being unpopular and almost getting primaried by the current Taiwanese president, was able to ride on the fears of the Hong Kong protests to win the presidency in 2020. After that, separatists have eaten nothing but L’s since then.

    1. They got BTFO in the 2022 local elections, topping it off with Chiang Kai-shek’s bastard great-grandson getting elected as mayor of Taipei. This also means he has presidential ambitions, so a funny outcome would be Taiwan having a third president from the Chiang family.

    2. They ate shit in the 2024 legislative elections and don’t have a majority in the Yuan.

    3. They got their president elected with a crappy plurality made worse by all the 16-17 year old TPP supporters who can’t vote because they’re too young, meaning his popularity is even weaker than it looks.

    4. Taiwanese zoomers, basically the people who are of conscript age, are voting for TPP instead, which ruins the DPP’s plan of replacing the KMT through age demographic changes. Just because the KMT is going to be the party of irrelevant boomers doesn’t mean your party will get the zoomers.

    5. The ROC military has openly displays signs of disloyalty including a retired general saying they should simply coup the DPP and various officers repeatedly getting bribed by the PRC to lay down their arms. It turns out accusing the KMT, of which the ROC military is politically, culturally, and historically aligned with, of selling out to the PRC in order to win votes for your presidential election has far-reaching consequences.

    6. The combination of the Taiwanese economy stagnating and the dumpster fire with TSMC attempting to build a factory in Arizona is forcing Taiwanese business to push harder towards the status quo, where they can get favorable trade deals with the PRC.

  • PS. I can see your comment in my inbox and reply from there but when I’m on my post your comment doesn’t appear. Some odd Lemmy thing?

    I have no idea why that would happen. Probably something weird about Lemmy.

    As for Waydroid, it’s kinda finicky in how to start. Use something like btop or ps aux|grep waydroid to check whether you have multiple processes that are all running waydroid session start. It should just be two processes: /usr/bin/waydroid -w container start and /usr/bin/waydroid session start. I remember I had multiple /usr/bin/waydroid -w container start that I had to kill before it worked for the first time.

    The devs behind Waydroid also have their own distro set up for Waydroid. You can try that as well:

  • The vast majority of both-sideism is done by reactionaries trying to hide their reactionary politics from their audience. There’s absolutely nothing about him that indicates he’s anything but a generic techbro with the politics of a generic techbro. Just skimming the comment section of his Youtube video just has the usual people whining about politics, which is rich considering that FLOSS has always been political no matter how much the OS part of FLOSS try to pretend that it isn’t so.

  • I’ve been trying to find a good Marxist instance, but Lemmygrad and Hexbear are widely hated. Why is that?

    Because the majority of Ledditors are either liberals or full blown reactionaries and the ones who are not range from some cringey techno-libertarian who think FOSS will usher in socialism to some radlib cruise-missile socialist who strangely never deviates from the US state department. The very few who could legitimately be considered socialists are some kind of anarchist. They certainly aren’t Marxist.

    Are there any good leftist instances?

    Outside of those two, I won’t hold my breath. The easiest litmus test in the world is how they’re responding to the genocide at Gaza. There’s very few places where you’ll get complete support for the Palestinian liberation struggle and not whining about the imaginary babies Hamas allegedly beheaded or trying to equate the conduct of a genocidal nuclear power to a paramilitary fighting for national liberation.

  • And speaking of the ROC Marine Corps, the ROC claims more parts of the South China Sea than the PRC (11 dash line vs 9 dash line), but unlike its claims of Mongolia, which is treated as a joke that no one takes seriously, the ROC is very serious in its pursuit of its claims to the SCS by building naval bases and holding regular naval exercises. Here’s Vietnam diplomatically telling the ROC to fuck off from the Spratly Islands.

    A Republic of Taiwan has no conceivable grounds to pursuit any claims to the SCS because the SCS is nowhere close to what the territorial waters of a hypothetical ROT would be and a ROT is not part of any international treaty which a ROT could use to justify de jure control. But it’s not claiming the SCS as a ROT but as the ROC. And unlike a ROT, the ROC as China does have international agreement which would give it de jure control over the SCS. This is how you know Taiwanese separatism is farcical. It’s all “Taiwan is culturally and politically distinct from China” until the SCS is involved then it’s suddenly, “aktually as the Republic of China, these are Chinese water and thus our territorial waters since we are the Republic of China you see.” But then again, what else do you expect from the political (and literal) descendants of Japanese fascist collaborators who (not so secretly) wish they were Japanese?

  • Taiwan thinks that it can make a war with the mainland so costly for the latter that it would not make economic sense to invade. This is unrelated to the US; ideology takes a backseat to making money almost anywhere in the world and the Taiwanese know this.

    My dude, the entire ROC military is completely controlled by the KMT. Yeah, a military that’s institutionally controlled by the status quo party is going to fight to the last man while Tsai Ing-wen and William Lai take the first flight to Japan. The government might have transitioned away from a KMT military dictatorship during the 90s, but the actual military hasn’t moved away from its KMT military dictatorship roots, especially the top brass. Taiwanese separatists have a reputation for dodging conscription, so in the end, you have a top brass that’s still nostalgic about the Chiang Ching-kuo days and a bunch of enlisted and conscripted soldiers who don’t care a whole lot about Taiwanese separatism. There’s a reason why the DPP has continuously and successfully run on “the KMT will sell out Taiwan to the CPC” in order to win seats, most recently in the 2020 Taiwanese presidential election.

    There’s a decent chance there won’t be an invasion anyways because the KMT cut a backroom deal with the CPC.

  • Public support among Western nations and their allies for Taiwan’s continued autonomous existence remains high despite their governments recognising it as a province of China. You don’t seem to understand how useful doublespeak is in international geopolitics. To pretend countries say what they mean and mean what they say is incredibly naïve.

    The vast majority of the world isn’t part of the West. And they by and large do not pretend Taiwan is a country. Why do you think the vast majority of African countries do not even bother with a totally-not-an-embassy building for Taiwan? Who cares if a bunch of Swedes, Belgians, and Brits continue to pretend Taiwan is a country while their respective governments still pay homage to the PRC anyways? I don’t know if you follow the news, but the West is becoming increasingly irrelevant.