AlmightySnoo 🐢🇮🇱🇺🇦

Yoko, Shinobu ni, eto… 🤔

עַם יִשְׂרָאֵל חַי Slava Ukraini 🇺🇦 ❤️ 🇮🇱

  • 20 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 14th, 2023


  • ROCm is that its very unstable

    That’s true, but ROCm does get better very quickly. Before last summer it was impossible for me to compile and run HIP code on my laptop, and then after one magic update everything worked. I can’t speak for rendering as that’s not my field, but I’ve done plenty of computational code with HIP and the performance was really good.

    But my point was more about coding in HIP, not really about using stuff other people made with HIP. If you write your code with HIP in mind from the start, the results are usually good and you get good intuition about the hardware differences (warps for instance are of size 32 on NVidia but can be 32 or 64 on AMD and that makes a difference if your code makes use of warp intrinsics). If however you just use AMD’s CUDA-to-HIP porting tool, then yeah chances are things won’t work on the first run and you need to refine by hand, starting with all the implicit assumptions you made about how the NVidia hardware works.

  • HIP is amazing. For everyone saying “nah it can’t be the same, CUDA rulez”, just try it, it works on NVidia GPUs too (there are basically macros and stuff that remap everything to CUDA API calls) so if you code for HIP you’re basically targetting at least two GPU vendors. ROCm is the only framework that allows me to do GPGPU programming in CUDA style on a thin laptop sporting an AMD APU while still enjoying 6 to 8 hours of battery life when I don’t do GPU stuff. With CUDA, in terms of mobility, the only choices you get are a beefy and expensive gaming laptop with a pathetic battery life and heating issues, or a light laptop + SSHing into a server with an NVidia GPU.

  • I was learning C/C++ back then and although the nostalgia is strong with this one, Turbo C++ was obviously shit (and Borland quickly killed it later anyway), and while looking around for alternatives I found DJGPP which introduced me to the GNU toolchain and so the jump to Linux to have all of that natively instead of running on DOS was very natural. My very first distro was Redhat Linux 6.2 that I got as a free CD along with a magazine (also got a Corel Linux CD the same way that I was excited about given how their WordPerfect was all the rage back then but I was never able to install it, I don’t remember what the issue was) and it looked like this (screenshot from ):

  • Automatic differentiation in C++17, had to do it from scratch as they weren’t open to 3rd-party libraries and it had to integrate with many symbolic calculations that are also done in the library (so even if you used a 3rd-party library you’d still have to rewrite parts of it to deal with the symbolic stuff). Succeeded in doing it and basically the performance was on par with what people in the industry would expect (all derivatives at once in around 3 times the evaluation time, sometimes much less if the calculation code has no dynamic parts and is differentiated entirely at compile-time).

    It was pretty cool because it was a fun opportunity to really abuse template meta-programming and especially expression templates (you’re basically sort of building expression trees at compile-time), compile-time lazy evaluation, static polymorphism and lots of SFINAE dark magic and play around with custom memory allocators.

    Then you get scolded by the CI guys because your template nightmare makes the build times 3x slower, so the project then also becomes an occasion to try out a bunch of tricks to speed up compilation.