vscodium fixes the privacy anyway. It’s always open so startup times are no issue for me.
I still prefer to keep a stripped down, basic text editor though. Ah well, I’m not on windows so no big deal.
I have fleas. https://www.snand.org
vscodium fixes the privacy anyway. It’s always open so startup times are no issue for me.
I still prefer to keep a stripped down, basic text editor though. Ah well, I’m not on windows so no big deal.
turnip is turnip, just because he doesn’t exactly display the hallmarks of a previous person, doesn’t mean he’s not also a thing. he’s populist because he’s running an empty campaign with no actual plans. there’s nothing behind any of the things he’s promising, he’s just promising them because he thinks it can get him elected.
I mean, he’s promised no income tax, tax breaks, no tax on tips, etc. none of it is backed by any policies, only, “trust me, it’s gonna be great”. when I talk populist, I mean specifically this sort of behavior, I don’t think for one second that he actually cares about enacting any of it short of doing things that will make people like him. I honestly believe that once the rubber meets the road, and he either does his mass deportations and the nation suddenly realizes why it’s a terrible idea or he doesn’t because it’s such a stupid idea and his mouthbreathing supporters turn on him. repeat ad nauseam for any of the other insane things that he’s promising.
the same argument can be made that he’s not a fascist, he’s not doing exactly the same things as previous fascist regimes right?
so we may be getting hung up on semantics here, I’m not always the best with smart brain words.
well, I didn’t say there would be a civil war. I can’t say I can forsee all the mechanics but as far as I’m concerned, there is a slow motion coup happening now. do you think for one second that they won’t try to do everything possible to rig things in their favor, do you think for one second that they are not already trying?
In the end, a populist agenda like he’s running, where he will say and promise anything to anyone, simply cannot be worked. his base isn’t even a majority but the stupid system we have will let minority rule. so, I simply do not believe enough americans will fall in line, his obstinate supporters aren’t capable enough of holding the system together. I wish I knew what the fate would be, I just don’t see a good one.
Again, I am 100% hoping that I’m full of shit, that I’m deranged and paranoid. I honestly hope this is a me problem.
right, I imagine the job will be finished. I mean, they always want a government so small as to drown it in a bathtub, but in reality they just want all the control. I just cannot imagine that turnip can hold togethether the coalition he’s trying to build and a populist agenda is unworkable in practice. So I think at least a north/south divide will happen, but we’re so fractured and fragmented that I could see additional pockets breaking off if that happens.
I do not have a detailed map for how it happens, I just think he’s polarizing enough, and looking to change enough that we will not have a recognizable country.
I sincerely hope that I am just overly paranoid and falling vicitm to a derangement syndrome but given how it went, how it ended, and expecially considering the rhetoric coming out of the campaign, I have little.
I honestly don’t think it matters. I believe turnip will sweep in project 2025 plans, we already know the supreme court is fully in his bag. My personal belief is that if he’s elected, our contry is on course for a soviet style breakup.
oh, I get it. the target of my ire isn’t just elmo, it’s the fact that so many smoothbrains can’t see the naked truth.
The fact that this obvious liar and fraudster is the worlds richest human has just broken my brain. My god humans are stupid.
There was a short lived candybar called PB Max that I’ve been craving for like the last 20 years. It actually tasted like peanut butter which, despite my love for peanut butter cups, just completely outdid them for peanutty goodness.
american beauty. it was everywhere, and everyone seemed to LOVE it. feels like history kinda agrees though since all I hear these days is people making fun of it. guess I’m just ahead of the times.
She takes full responsibility but in her defense, the meds she was on really did a number on her, especially as a single mom.
the garage. I was 6 or 7, my mom was undergoing a major health situation and the medication wasn’t doing her mental processes any favors. One morning she was running late and so asked me to start her car. I’d never started a car in my life, I had no idea what to do and I couldn’t reach the pedals so I asked my younger sibling to help out. I stayed on the floor and operated the pedals, my sibling was in charge of the key.
mind you, this was a stickshift and it was parked in the driveway, facing the garage door.
I have no idea what we actually did, I only remember the crashes as we went through the garage door and through the back wall. The front of the car now blocking the alley, we yanked the key ran to hide because we had just taken down a fucking building ruined mom’s new car, and thought we were going to be killed. Of course she instantly realized what happened and knew that she was at fault so when she found us we were of course in no trouble; but man, what a ride that was…
They are really living up to the repeal of their mantra.
I showed them by having a successful and happy life. Nothing else needs to be said.
I mean, yes. I kinda thought everyone agreed.
For me, right now. I’m having a blast figuring out how to self host all the enshittified services that I’m closing off access to.
Catch 22 really, I’m enjoying it because I’m learning so much, so fast but probably shouldn’t have to and it’s not feasible for most I realize.
100% agreed. It’s mostly my own brain I’m fighting though, I came from a very toxic environment and am having a hard time adjusting to life that isn’t spent under a bus.
This “entrepreneurial mindset” is what’s making it so hard to adjust to my new role. Recently took a job that’s new to me but since I always feel responsible and will try to fix everything, I’m having a lot of trouble staying in my lane. I need to keep reminding myself, just because I can do something, doesn’t make it my responsibility, nor do I deserve the blame if I don’t swoop in to fix it.
some still exist. with social media dying, I’ve been frequenting my old haunts more and more. do you have stairs in your house by any chance?
I’m ok with that for how I use Debian, and is its kind of intended purpose. Outdated but stable is fine for a server being that the latter is my main concern. I wouldn’t use it for my daily driver (tried that and wound up back in Windows). IMHO, Debian has no GUI.
For plain text, either nano on CLI or whatever built in basic text editor comes with LMDE.
Windows I used notepad, from now on I’ll add ++ :)