420stalin69 [he/him]

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Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: November 7th, 2022


  • But it probably is the case that Ukraine was stomping Russia for pennies on the dollar earlier in the war.

    When the aid was flowing the narrative was that this was a “good investment” which is why they sold you with this “pennies on the dollar” angle.

    Put down the slava pipe and have a look at what the cost basis is for western military gear vs Russian stuff. It’s rarely better than 5:1 even for basic stuff like shells and advanced stuff runs at around 10:1. The idea that it was “pennies on the dollar” is crazy shit.

    It’s all narrative. It doesn’t have a relationship to facts on the ground. It’s a sales pitch.

  • I think the weakness of Ukraine is also narrative.

    Whatever narrative they push, it’s completely unrelated to the truth.

    When they wanted western sympathy and when the western funds were rolling, it was the plucky tractor brigade killing Russians at $1.40 a kill.

    Now that they aren’t getting another aid package, the front lines are about to collapse and Russia will be in Warsaw by summer.

    It’s all bullshit. As in it’s unrelated to the truth. The truth has no relationship to what Zelenskyy says.

    The fact Ukraine is starting to push an imminent collapse narrative is a key factor in me believing collapse is not in fact imminent.

  • If the public are paying for it, then it becomes a subsidy.

    And good luck getting the US government to require the code to be GPLed. That’s even less likely to happen than a public subsidy for OSS at all.

    They typically do the opposite and require “commercialization” to ensure the benefit of the publicly-funded technology is captured by their donors.

    This is how it basically works in biotech, for example. Government grants to study the medicine and then when the scientists actually find something important it becomes a “public-private partnership” often without even a royalty for the public let alone making it a public good.

    That’s not how government funding works in a modern democracy, unfortunately. It would amount to a cash transfer to big tech to make the public pay their R&D costs.

  • The qualifier “progressive” is used to describe a liberal who supports progressive social issues.

    Supporting gay rights or feminism etc, that’s being a “progressive” (loosely speaking, it can be defined better than that.)

    You seem to want to insist all liberals are progressive liberals but they aren’t.

    That’s why the qualifiers “classical liberal” or “liberal conservatism” exist.

    In some countries the “Liberal” party are the socially conservative faction of society.

    You’re wrong to conflate liberalism with progressivism. That’s why they’re different words.

    You’re also wrong to imply that progressive stances are “owned” by “liberals”.

    You want to say “progressive liberal” is a tautology…. But it isn’t.

  • 420stalin69 [he/him]@hexbear.nettoProgrammer Humor@lemmy.mlI Hate It
    11 months ago

    Yeah I would never use vanilla JS unless forced to these days. Always Typescript if I’m doing anything JS related that isn’t completely trivial.

    As for HTMX, it looks fun but I would consider that kind of fancy and fresh framework more appropriate for hobby projects or a rapid iteration proof of concept and not for production. For a start it’s just fresh and that alone means you can’t really use it yet except for more trivial cases since you need to be assured that the tool will be able to scale with your needs and it just hasn’t been proven for that yet.

    Secondly if you need to be able to scale a team then you need to either be willing to pay to train people in a new framework (and there are a constant stream of cool new frameworks so training should be conservative), or you need to be able to hire for it easily and to hire for it easily it should be a widely used framework with a deep of talent available.

    Finally it lacks type safety, at least so far as I can see, and so I wouldn’t want to use it for anything more complex than a storefront.

    I can totally see that being a fun tool to use for a hobby project and maybe in two to five years we will all be using it just like we are all using react and vue today but there’s value in being conservative in these choices when you’re looking for scalability, long term maintainability, and the ability to assemble a team.

    And finally it’s not the first js in html framework. It’s been done before and hasn’t really caught on. Maybe HTMX will be different, im not saying it won’t be the one to crack that nut because it very well might be the future who knows, but I would want to see it’s approach to be proven before selecting it since in the past js in html has tended to hit a wall. Like you can often do some really cool shit with minimal code and you fall in love but then you hit some use case that requires more complex logic and bam you find yourself either resorting to traditional JS anyway or even worse you are left stuck.

    These are general remarks on why fancy fresh isn’t necessarily the best. I haven’t used HTMX so it’s possible it will be the next big thing. Eventually something will replace React / Vue / Svelte for sure and maybe it’s HTMX.

    But that’s the rationale for considering for a hobbyist tool or a rapid prototyping tool rather than a production ready framework.

    Today for anything that really needs to scale and where SSR is desired i would almost certainly be choosing Vue or React or maybe Svelte. And if I was feeling adventurous I might use Qwik since it’s not a radical departure from those others, being a lot of the best of Svelte with some cool new ideas.

    These things move in cycles of course and clearly we need to start moving on from Vue and React soon since SSR is an afterthought in their design. But that needs to be balanced against a healthy conservativism if the product needs longer term scale and maintenance.

    I think the more immediate path forward is to get much better server side runtimes such as bun and smarter caching and bundling techniques. Bun or some other very snappy and optimized server side js engine, using html templating more than jsx components, with very smart webpack bundling and extensive caching using an islands or micro frontends architecture for progressive enhancement is a more conservative choice that can achieve a lot.

    Maybe something like HTMX will be a paradigm shift. It will happen soon enough of course. But I wouldn’t throw away a decade of tooling and development in those less sexy frameworks too easily. Not when there are less radical changes we can make to achieve dramatically better results that are still on the table that don’t require the adoption of unproven and not widely used frameworks.

    Sorry I’ve written a lot here xD but to add one more comment, for server side code dotnet is making huge strides and modern dotnet core is blazing fast now. Sure it’s not necessarily the fastest but it’s nonetheless really fast now and it comes with DECADES of proven use, a massive community, and tooling that is second to none. If I didn’t want to use server side JS it would take a very fancy framework indeed to convince me to forgo the decades of proven reliability and development that is available to me there. Plus I can say with a very high degree of certainty that dotnet will still be around in 5-10 and probably even 20 years from now while HTMX has a high chance of disappearing to another fresh faced sexy framework in the near future.

    My apologies if this was too long or repetitive :)