Curious to get the pulse from lemmy on where y’all look to for your various sources of news. is the most neutral source of news I know. I read it every day.
thanks for introducing me to that list. at worst this makes for an excellent overview.
- Democracy Now!
- DW (Germany)
- France 24
- Global News (Canada)
- propublica
- AP
- Al Jazeera
- BBC World News
- various youtubers for niche or more world / non western news and geopolitics and trade etc
- lemmy and are my go to sources
A centrist mainstream national newspaper to be aware of what the political mainstream is concerned about.
Al Jazeera for international news.
Articles sent to me by friends and comrades for news on more specific matters that may not make more mainstream news.
And groupchats and internal publications of organisations I’m in for both more politically-relevant news (eg news of local strikes that often aren’t otherwise reported on) and commentary.
About ten separate sources. A little bit of right, a little bit of left, some national, some international. I find this really exposes the bias some sources put on stories, and after a while you can tell which source it is just by words used in the headline and even by what news they don’t report.
Some good suggestions in this thread, I’ll be adding some new feeds.
I usually check things in this order:
National newspaper
Local newspaper
LemmyI mostly don’t follow the news; I value my mental health too much for that these days…
For any German, correctiv should be a must go to…although it’s not necessarily daily news but rather weekly and investigative journalism. for europeans, deutschlandfunk, Tagesschau, lemmy, reddit
But as some people have hinted as well… Visiting news sites nowadays can only make you depressed really…
The Tyee, The Daily Show, late night w/ Seth Meyers, The Guardian, and Legal Eagle.
LE is a good one.
I stopped using Google News because all it did was depress me. Lemmy and podcasts now.
National and local newspapers, national and local news stations.
Zeit, Süddeutsche Zeitung, taz, dpa, Reuters, ap, BBC, Deutsche Welle, Deutschlandfunk. Some others, if they come up. Mostly via RSS.
Also, lots of podcasts
Lemmy primarily, Podcasts, The Daily Show, Google News, Bluesky a little
Don’t you dare downvote me for the Google News. I KNOW.
Lemmy, Reddit, Instagram, local communities on Signal and Discord
just lemmy and reddit for me and then cross reference
The Guardian, The Tyee, BBC, CBC, Reuters and AP, with a dash of utterly unreliable press from abroad.
Nice, all that covers a lot of bases right there