King of the Hill
Never got into that one
It holds up
Literally from the first episode til like season 11 where it declines somewhat but still strong
I’ll keep that in mind as I occasionally chew through it. I never really watched it at the time.
Surprised no one’s brought up Futurama yet.
The Fox era was great. But the Comedy Central and Hulu seasons are subpar.
Babylon 5.
Every time I watch it I’m stunned at how relevant it still is.
I just finished watching the series for the first time the other day. I started out a little skeptical it would have aged well and there’s a few moments that reminded me it came out in the early 90s, but wow what a fantastic show. And what a time to be watching it, some of those newscast episodes hit close to home.
I think it’ll be on my rewatch list too now.
Venture Bros
Ken Burns’ Baseball