I use Anilist to track my anime and manga. But haven’t found anything that provides a similar experience in regular movie and TV show tracking, or even books.
For games, there’s a service called Backloggd that uses the IGDb database. For movies, I have used Letterboxd but the Android app is garbage at best.
TMDB (https://www.themoviedb.org/) maybe? Don’t think it has an app though.
Will check.
A bit late, but keep in mind, TMDB is not FOSS and is owned and run by a private company.
Firefox works well. Its FOSS
Ok haha. But seriously though, any suggestions?
I am serious. I have no idea what more you’re asking for, because I only access IMDb in a web browser, and I only use open source web browsers.
Maybe you could clarify?
I use tmdb. There are apps but none official so I use the website as a shortcut
Oh. Interesting… Will check.
Trakt is an Amazon product?
no, IMDb is. And between the alternatives given, I like TMDB.
Fair enough. Will try.
Looks promising.