• Arkouda@lemmy.ca
    15 days ago

    People were playing around with electricity in ancient Greece as well. (Electricity coming from the word for amber, even). But if you asked someone “when electricity was invented”, I’m sure you wouldn’t even think of anything before 1600.

    “The word comes from the Greek elektron (“amber”); the Greeks discovered that amber rubbed with fur attracted light objects such as feathers. Such effects due to stationary charges, or static electricity, were the first electrical phenomena to be studied.”


    Here is something to help you in understanding more about the topic of magnetism, static electricity, and what the ancient Greeks were talking about regarding both.


    I am curious why you believe any of that is relevant to a discussion about Anti-drug propaganda.

    I’ve spoken to thousand of people about this. That isn’t anecdotal

    Yes it is. Literally the definition of “anecdotal”.

    anecdotal, Adjective, “Based on casual observations or indications rather than rigorous or scientific analysis.”

    You are free to provide your study about the thousand individuals you interviewed with the same questions regarding anti-drug propaganda to demonstrate it is in fact not anecdotal.

    If you’re honestly interested, you can find tons of literature.

    Name 10 books on the subject including the authors.

    Did you ever stop to think that the propaganda you speak of is directly influenced by exactly what steeznson was speaking about?

    Why do you believe that anti-drug propaganda only began in the 20th century?

    Do you have anything other than wikipedia links to back your stance up? Say, a real study done on the impacts of anti-drug propaganda through the ages which demonstrates that the 20th century was the most militant with it?

    Do you know what Religion is, and its impacts on anti-drug mentalities predating the 20th century?

    Feel free to actually answer my questions, and try to keep personal attacks like this

    And are you a bit thick if you’re saying that these attitudes have always been with humans

    out of it.

    • Dasus@lemmy.world
      15 days ago

      You’re not aware of prohibitions and now surrendered your whole “do you think there weren’t any drug prohibitions before the 20th century” point, because I actually know the topic, and you don’t.

      Yes it is. Literally the definition of “anecdotal”.

      It would be… but…

      “Based on casual observations or indications rather than rigorous or scientific analysis.”

      … unless I actually did it systemically and collected results, which I have done. Amateurish, yes, but still not casual. Would you like to see my files? They’re in Finnish, with my own notation about what people respond with. It’s honestly baffling how small the options are for people, and how they all think they’re actually making a point, with some idiotic bullshit like “I don’t want my doctor operating on me while they’re on drugs” or some other completely ridiculous propaganda bullshit from some “Just Say No” campaign. I could draw a flowchart on an A4, wouldn’t even need an A3, lol.

      Name 10 books on the subject including the authors.

      First let me say that everyone knows you’re trying to set impossible goals, because you know you don’t have a leg to stand on in this debate, so you think a number you pull out your arse means anything, but I will give you literature on the subject, as requested, because I’ve actually fucking studied this for probably longer than you’ve been alive, despite you thinking I haven’t and am some random druggie — something which is all too common when you bring up the subject. People like you get what are essentially panic attacks when asked to question the propaganda programmed into their heads. It must be a horrible feeling, when being asked a question you’ve just claimed to be 100% sure about, to realise that you don’t actually have any reasons to believe what you believe and that you have no idea why you believe it, but you do know that you MUST NOT QUESTION IT.

      Probably the best book is “Good Cop, Bad War” by Neil Woods:


      Obviously you won’t even open that link, let alone buy a book, let alone READ IT. (Not to mention doing it for 10 books hahaha). So here, have a Youtube video with the author (who is a former drug cop) How Drug Gangs Actually Work | How Crime Works | Insider

      All of those “How Crime Works” by Insider related to drugs are actually fantastic watches, deeply recommend them for people like you to open your eyes.

      The Cato Institute also write well on the subject and have actual data as well: https://www.cato.org/cato-handbook-policymakers/cato-handbook-policymakers-9th-edition-2022/war-drugs#repeal-controlled-substances-act

      I mean, ofc there’s Mr. Nice as well, which might be on your level and tons of other drug-war adjacent books, but this is about what actual reality and science have to say about the drug war, not reading through the memento’s of some insanely rich druglords.

      If you’re defending the prohibition of drugs, you’re either ignorant on the subject, or you’re actively supporting organized crime / making money off the situation. Literally. There is no other alternative. You’re in the group which is ignorant of it, because you’re brainwashed to even avoid information on the subject.


      See most the things I read on the topic are actually studies or news, not books. You know scientific studies are “literature”, right? Anyway, the Good Cop, Bad War was the most recent one I read about the actual politics. I seriously suggest it, might wash that propaganda off your noggin.

      There’s literally not a single person who understands the topic and doesn’t realise there is NO WAY that the prohibition will EVER work. Look at how the prohibition of alcohol went, then recall the saying “history repeats itself.”

      Now, since I’ve more or less done what you’ve asked and answered your points, how about you stop ignoring my rhetoric and extend me the same courtesy? So… ANY science at all that says that drug prohibition is actually doing what it’s supposed to? Any science at all saying decriminalisation/legalisation is bad for society? ANY at all? Oh there isn’t? Not ONE? Wow, I’m so shocked, if only I could’ve seen this coming, eh?

      • Arkouda@lemmy.ca
        15 days ago

        You’re not aware of prohibitions and now surrendered your whole “do you think there weren’t any drug prohibitions before the 20th century” point, because I actually know the topic, and you don’t.

        Logical Fallacy.

        … unless I actually did it systemically and collected results, which I have done. Amateurish, yes, but still not casual. Would you like to see my files? They’re in Finnish, with my own notation about what people respond with. It’s honestly baffling how small the options are for people, and how they all think they’re actually making a point, with some idiotic bullshit like “I don’t want my doctor operating on me while they’re on drugs” or some other completely ridiculous propaganda bullshit from some “Just Say No” campaign. I could draw a flowchart on an A4, wouldn’t even need an A3, lol.

        Oh look more logical fallacy with a heavy sprinkle of personal attack. I have a purple unicorn, but I cannot show it to you. Just trust me.

        First let me say that everyone knows you’re trying to set impossible goals, because you know you don’t have a leg to stand on in this debate, so you think a number you pull out your arse means anything, but I will give you literature on the subject, as requested, because I’ve actually fucking studied this for probably longer than you’ve been alive, despite you thinking I haven’t and am some random druggie — something which is all too common when you bring up the subject. People like you get what are essentially panic attacks when asked to question the propaganda programmed into their heads. It must be a horrible feeling, when being asked a question you’ve just claimed to be 100% sure about, to realise that you don’t actually have any reasons to believe what you believe and that you have no idea why you believe it, but you do know that you MUST NOT QUESTION IT.

        Everyone knows I am setting impossible goals?


        Here are 254 results for books regarding “Drug prohibition”.

        People like me? You don’t know anything about me. It would help if you responded in good faith by answering the questions posed, and maybe asking some of your own.

        Honestly the logical fallacy and personal attacks have become quite tiresome.

        If you’re defending the prohibition of drugs, you’re either ignorant on the subject, or you’re actively supporting organized crime / making money off the situation. Literally. There is no other alternative. You’re in the group which is ignorant of it, because you’re brainwashed to even avoid information on the subject.

        Show me where I said I support drug prohibition. Also, more logical fallacy.

        Now, since I’ve more or less done what you’ve asked and answered your points, how about you stop ignoring my rhetoric and extend me the same courtesy? So… ANY science at all that says that drug prohibition is actually doing what it’s supposed to? Any science at all saying decriminalisation/legalisation is bad for society? ANY at all? Oh there isn’t? Not ONE? Wow, I’m so shocked, if only I could’ve seen this coming, eh?

        I think I have explicitly demonstrated how you have not answered a single question, and fell back on logical fallacy and personal attacks numerous times. I never made a claim in support of drug prohibition.

        You are not worth any further time. Feel free to write another novel in the comments.

        Fair warning, it will be ignored.

        • Dasus@lemmy.world
          15 days ago

          You’re not aware of prohibitions and now surrendered your whole “do you think there weren’t any drug prohibitions before the 20th century” point, because I actually know the topic, and you don’t.

          Logical Fallacy.

          Oh, you’re one of those.


          It is entirely possible to make a claim that is false yet argue with logical coherency for that claim, just as it is possible to make a claim that is true and justify it with various fallacies and poor arguments.

          Everyone knows I am setting impossible goals?

          In the sense of arbitrary goals which mean absolutely nothing and which you never expected me to fulfill anyway. Almost as if you didn’t ask that in… good faith. Oh great master debater, perhaps you need to check the basics of rhetoric again? https://cssah.famu.edu/departments-and-centers/visual-arts-humanities-and-theatre/philosophy-and-religion/ctresources/Argument Basics.docx

          I said I support drug prohibition

          “What’s an implication”

          I think I have explicitly demonstrated how you have not answered a single question

          You literally have not. You’ve engaged in bad faith bullshit, while thinking you have some gothas. I’m more and more certain that I’ve been arguing this longer than you’ve actually been alive. (Like 95% sure.)

          Feel free to write another novel in the comments.

          “Help me, I’m pretending to be smart but also, I can’t read anything that’s more than three phrases!”

          You literally can not even question your attitude towards the subject due to propaganda.

          I linked literature just like you asked. Perhaps it doesn’t matter, because you didn’t ask in good faith, and are just a thrashy pseudointellectual kid who’s pretending to argue a thing they know nothing about, while thinking writing “fallacy” means something, while pretending their implications don’t exist.

          Git gud nob

          • Arkouda@lemmy.ca
            15 days ago

            Perhaps it doesn’t matter, because you didn’t ask in good faith, and are just a thrashy pseudointellectual kid who’s pretending to argue a thing they know nothing about, while thinking writing “fallacy” means something, while pretending their implications don’t exist.


            • Dasus@lemmy.world
              15 days ago

              “I won’t be replying anymore” was in your last comment, was it not?

              See this is why I left my comment in the first place; people like you get so irrationally emotional over this that there’s no talking about it.

              Is it that you’ve been lied to, or is it that you actually happened to believe something so ridiculous?

              The propaganda is so strong, that you’re defending the prohibition and drug propaganda, because you don’t want to admit having been influenced by it.

              Got a bit angry about that “fallacy fallacy” thing as well, I think. You thought you had some sort of gotcha or something, but you’re really bad at debating man. You’re arguing nothing, and all you’re doing is poorly imitating what you’ve seen other people say in some debates, without even understanding the things you talk about.

              We have to get rid of the prohibition, but because of people like you, it’s very hard.

                • Dasus@lemmy.world
                  15 days ago

                  That’s a bit like saying “I can’t be racist, I’m black”. I know there are people who believe it, but it doesn’t make it true, does it?

                  I answered your points, but all you keep doing is larping an intellectual. Why did you ask for 10 books on the subject? Because you wanted to know if the situation is as I say it is. I link a book saying it definitely is. You have a tantrum.

                  So you definitely agree that the prohibition of all drugs has to be lifted, for the good of society?

                  • Arkouda@lemmy.ca
                    15 days ago

                    That’s a bit like saying “I can’t be racist, I’m black”. I know there are people who believe it, but it doesn’t make it true, does it?

                    Actually it is a bit like saying you threw a tantrum over questions you couldn’t answer and assumed I was pro drug prohibition because of it.

                    You know what they say about assuming right?

                    I answered your points, but all you keep doing is larping an intellectual. Why did you ask for 10 books on the subject? Because you wanted to know if the situation is as I say it is. I link a book saying it definitely is. You have a tantrum.

                    You haven’t answered my questions, as I wasn’t making points.

                    That is another failure of perception based on your defensive demeanor, caused by the aforementioned tantrum and assumptions. The amount of projection and mental gymnastics you are doing to make me out to be you is humorous.

                    So you definitely agree that the prohibition of all drugs has to be lifted, for the good of society?

                    No, I don’t agree that the prohibition of all drugs has to be lifted for the good of society. Just like I do not agree that prohibition of all drugs must be in place for the good of society. Both statements are equally asinine.

                    What I do believe is drugs should be available for use by consenting adults in a heavily regulated market coupled with intense social safety nets to deal with drug use related problems.

                    Edit this thread is a case in point. Not one single explanation, just people absolutely terrified out of their minds, parroting bad propaganda and even worse rhetoric. “I don’t want my surgeon tripping when he’s operating on me.” And I don’t want my surgeon drunk, and alcohol is legal, and I’ve never had the issue, because surgeons don’t come to work drunk.

                    Genuinely, I’m tired of answering these “arguments” and no-one will accept how afraid they are, even when not a single soul can explain why.

                    This edit is hilarious as well. Made especially funny by the fact that no one is arguing for drug prohibition.

                    You got an answer to your question "Why is society so afraid of people purposefully altering their mental state? (In terms of cannabis, psychedelics, anything “mind-expanding.)”, and me asking you questions.

                    Not once was a pro prohibition argument made against you, yet you keep hammering that nail like everyone is against you.

                    You should address the victim mentality, need to attack and demean others to make points, and inability to listen to another persons point if you want to have more success communicating with others.