All the public Piped instances are getting blocked by YouTube but do small selfhosted instances, that are only used by a handful of users or just yourself, still working? Thinking of just selfhosting it.

On a side note, if I do it, I’d also like to install the new EFY redesign or is that branch too far behind?

Edit: As you can see in the replies, private instances still work. I also found the instructions for running the new EFY redesign here

    2 months ago

    Gonna add a dissenting “maybe but not really”. YT is really aggressive on this kinda stuff lately and the situation is changing month by month. YT has multiple ways of flagging your IP as potentially problematic and as soon as you get flagged you’re going to end up having to run quite an annoying mess of scripts that may or may not last in the long term. There’s some instructions in a stickied issue on the Invidious repo.