I travel a lot, and talk to a lot of different people. I’ve noticed that while people certainly do have differing opinions, it’s not as extreme as what I see online. I’m starting to feel like all this hate and division is manufactured. Has anyone else noticed, that when you actually talk to real people things are far less divided than various media would have you believe?
I talk to people who are against corruption, against racism, believe the medical industry is broken, monopolies are bad, etc. Seems we agree on a lot of basic principles yet they are still voting trump tho. WTF?
Yes appears most people have a lot more common ground than it they would expect, but everyone is convinced their candidate is the way to best fix things. I believe this is why there is so much focus on social issues like what bathroom people should use instead harder things to fix like monopolies.
The biggest difference btwn the parties is one is still down playing climate change caused by global warming, and that is objectively wrong.
The other choice is another genocidal Zionist. I don’t get the confusion.
EDIT: The correct choice is not to take part in the charade and not be complicit in America’s crimes against humanity.
Netanyahu wants Trump to be the next president for some reason though?
Weird how that is LMAO.
It’s almost like you’ve caught a stoog in their false concern for Palestine or something. WEIRD!
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Probably feels like he’s squeezed all he can out of the other party. Time for some fresh meat.
He wants a real ally, not some asshole with a conscience who is informed via a functioning cabinet.
Don’t worry bro, you can write in Putin
Good. A less mass murdering president would be a better option for America.
You’ll be happy to hear Harris is running! Much less mass murdering.
Trump supports Israel you buffoon.
Yes I know. So does Holocaust Harris.
So glad you cuks have settled on a nice rhyming scheme 🤡
Yeah man they all do that’s the fucking point. You are a moron
Well it was my point, thanks for stating it again for me. Nobody can justify supporting a genocidal candidate.
I feel the same about Xi, maduro, Putin and Kim of the north.
You send yours to prison and we’ll send ours.
it’s all gone over your head.