I’m not from the US, so I’m curious why Americans still wants him back. I always see him as a bad mouthed guy and was worse when he lost in 2020. But feel free to change my mind. This question is also for non-trump supporters who can think of one thing (if you can) on why he’s good for the top position.

  • Burn_The_Right@lemmy.world
    8 months ago

    It is a common conservative tactic of deception to claim evidence is not evidence. This has been a standard go-to tactic for conservatives throughout history.

    That approach does not work on Lemmy the way it works on other platforms you may be more familiar with (e.g. Truth Social, Stormfront, Rumble). Not acknowledging evidence as its presented to you is not going to result in a normal person being fooled here. Using a condescending tone is also not going to work.

    The more you writhe, slither and whine, the more I enjoy playing with my food. Ok, your turn.

    • Bobr@lemmy.libertarianfellowship.org
      8 months ago

      Well, considering you cannot provide any evidence/proofs to anything you’re saying, I guess there is nothing more to talk with you about :(

      That’s a shame