• Amerikan Pharaoh@lemmygrad.ml
    3 months ago

    Lemme break it down for you, then; this the real one challenge.

    Damned near every single country on this earth that has a people in it that can speak English imports Amerikan culture. But what is Amerikan culture? What do the crackers export? Well, it’s sure as shit not apple pie and baseball; at least, not anymore-- they’re selling you hypercommercialized, fully-Elvis’d Black culture, just with all the Black serial numbers filed off so global crackery can be comfortable with it. This is why you see South Korean separatists in uniform one month, and spitting chopper flows over knock-off Timbaland beats when they get home. This is why eastern streetwear tends to look like it took all of its cues from JNCO and FUBU. This is why Aubrey Graham thinks he can bang sets all of a sudden when don’t NOBODY WANT his goofy ass.

    Y’all wanna make a big-ass public scene about wanting to give up Amerikan culture? Give our shit up too, it was stole even BEFORE y’all bought it. Then for the love of all that’s holy shut the fuck up about doin it. We know y’all don’t care about the internal subjects-of-empire that the crackers keep their thumb on, so don’t even address. All this virtue signal shit is cap if you’re not giving our shit up too.

      • Amerikan Pharaoh@lemmygrad.ml
        3 months ago

        so what you’re gonna blame the kids doing rap for “appropriating black culture”?

        Yes, I am. Our very names, religions, cultures, and everything else we had when we were still Afrikan got taken from us by the crackers in antiquity; and now y’all tryna take this too, is the way I will forever see this dynamic. Until the collective You starts giving back in equivalence with the way You take.

        As of last Juneteenth, and likely until the heat death of the universe the way all y’all act (*this whole little fake indignance routine you’ve got going is SUPER cute but it plays into my point anyway), these little non-Black consumers are not, have no right to be, and will never be the culture. No memes, they are not like us; and I’m sick of the cosplay like they are when they make NO efforts to actually enmesh, reach out, or check in with ANYONE that they’re biting.

        They are not colleagues, they are fuckin colonizers.

          • Amerikan Pharaoh@lemmygrad.ml
            3 months ago

            Now when the fuck did I say that, cac? If you’ve never heard the song my username references, it’s by Jase Harley; but I don’t even know why I’m explaining that to some hookass euro peckerwood. Tell your right hand I’m sorry for the offense, you can’t tell me a debate pervert like you actually pulled a woman.

          • Amerikan Pharaoh@lemmygrad.ml
            3 months ago

            Completely, fundamentally, and emphatically incorrect. You know nothing of the mechanisms of cultural theft, or how far back their roots reach. We create works of art to cope with crackery and the pressing thumb it exerts; but then the crackers send in an Elvis, or a Jimmy Page, or a Vanilla Ice, or an Eminem, to rob the sauce, bring it to some Hollywood peckerwood, and whoops, our art, our clothing, our sound, our very way of life is getting peddled by the whites! Again!

            It keeps happening from rock 'n roll and the blues all the way up to “new wave” (which was really just the Disco that y’all killed, but bereft of substance or message) and rap. Thieves. Crackery is theft of culture, so it’s been, so it will always be until crackery is abolished. Stay the fuck out of my inbox, you literal refuse.