Not my blog, but the author’s experience reminded me of my own frustrations with Microsoft GitHub.

    3 months ago

    While I agree with the body of the post, the title is just utter bullshit in this context.

    With that being said, GitHub is a prime example of Rails in action, warts and all. To many that use Rails it probably is erring towards legacy given some of the technical decisions made regarding frontend within Rails. Rails is one of those rare stacks where it isn’t uncommon to see the likes of jQuery powering parts of UI, and parts of the Rails stack trying to make quasi-SPA’s. Personal thoughts aside as a former Rails developer, it’s long been said that GitHub and Rails have probably been too heavily intertwined.

    I can understand why they’re moving to React, but the gripe seems mostly with server-side rendering - which you can do within Rails. This just feels more like a feedback piece for a specific area of functionality over saying that GitHub is legacy.