Ah, fuck I miss the goons, too. I still log in every couple of years or so. It’s sort of like walking down a street you used to live on. It’s all still familiar, but nothing is really the same.
I have a CD somewhere that I burned a few miniclip games onto. Also the combo number 5, which did NOT age well. (And was kinda unacceptable when it was new)
I miss the days of NewGrounds, Miniclip, and Kongregate.
I miss Flash games on browsers. Limewire. YouTube before influencers.
Thankfully we can still enjoy the flash games online at least. http://www.flashgamearchive.com/
Thank you, but it wasn’t the games themselves. It was the people I shared that time with.
I think that’s when the Internet started going to shit. When people started using it for shameless self-promotion. I miss MySpace, and GeoCities.
I miss the SomethingAwful forums from 2004
Ah, fuck I miss the goons, too. I still log in every couple of years or so. It’s sort of like walking down a street you used to live on. It’s all still familiar, but nothing is really the same.
I have a CD somewhere that I burned a few miniclip games onto. Also the combo number 5, which did NOT age well. (And was kinda unacceptable when it was new)