• indigomirage@lemmy.ca
    9 months ago

    Adobe lightroom (with its multi-device editing and catalogue management - even when only using its cloud for smart previews).

    Hardware support for music. NI Maschine is a non-starter. Most other devices are, at best, a ‘hope it works’ but are most definitely unsupported.

    Music software. You can hack your way into getting a lot of your paid modules to work, but it is certainly not supported.

    Wine is ‘fun’(?), but it’s a game of whack-a-mole chasing windows’ tail and will never allow everything to run. Either way it’s not 'supported.

    Businesses any any size tend to eschew SW/HW that doesn’t have formal support. (things like RHEL are most definitely supported as servers and orgs certainly leverage it).

    I keep installing Linux hoping I can get a sufficient amount stuff to work “well enough” to move on from windows but it’s just not to be (yet). Hope it changes, but it’ll require buy-in from commercial product developers. I hope as Linux continues to grow a foothold in desktop installs, a critical mass will be reached, commercial devs take notice and it’ll be easier to switch.

    For now, I’m stuck with Windows and WSL. (But I am not happy with Windows’ direction).

    • Paragone@lemmy.world
      9 months ago

      This commenter used “NI Maschine” as though everbody’d know what “NI” stood for…

      iirc, it stands for Native Instruments, and iirc, the “Maschine” is either hardware or hardware+software.

      The ONLY Linux distro which may do what theyre wanting, is UbuntuStudio.

      I happen to agree that it is a damn “whack-a-mole” “game” for us in Linux, and I"ve been experiencing that since 1996 ( when only Slackware mostly-worked ),

      but … if ever the spyware in MS’s products gets made illegal, then … Linux’d be the only lifeboat left?

      ( don’t tell me that Apple isn’t every-bit as much into privacy-molestation as the other Big Tech corpos are: they aren’t a real alternative )

      _ /\ _