I would really rather that these were actual examples, and not conspiracy theories. We all have our own unsubstantiated ideas about what shadowy no-gooders are doing, but I’d rather hear about things that are actually happening.
I would really rather that these were actual examples, and not conspiracy theories. We all have our own unsubstantiated ideas about what shadowy no-gooders are doing, but I’d rather hear about things that are actually happening.
Literally anything regarding China, especially Xinjiang if you talk to anyone from

I was talking to a mate about Palestine and he immediately went for the “bUt TiAnAm3n SqU@r3 k1LLeD oVeR tEn Th0uSaNd” and the “Ch1n@ cEnOcIde iN UygHuRs Th0” with the swiftness of a 737 flying into the 2nd tower. They will disregard who originally makes these claims and are 100% unfazed by say, World Uyghur Congress being totally in support of the genocide in Gaza, the response being either dismissal or “you’re too much into politics and also ableism”.
It’s crazy to me that people still give credence to the Xinjiang claims in light of everything going on in Palestine.
Hexbears sucking up to dictators while claiming to be pro lgbtq will never not be funny
Since 2020 China literally has more workplace protections for trans people than the US
Don’t pinkwash your redscare.
Also Xi isn’t a dictator. He was literally elected by a democratic assembly. Also he historically pushes for more democracy in China, more than the US. Literally look into the idea of whole process people’s democracy
The West seems to define “democracy” in a very specific form: there MUST be multiple competing political parties and power MUST, at least in theory (compare Singapore, Mexico, etc) regularly transfer between them as the result of elections.
This is something Western states have been able to pull off, but it’s actually sort of peripheral to the theoretical INTENT of democracy-- that the government serves the masses. Good governance is pretty much a by-product of the fear of being voted out of office.
You can, and often do, have the all-sacred elections and peaceful transfer of power and still have a government which isn’t acting in service of its electorate. Sure, you can pick red corporate stooge or blue corporate stooge, but the Overton window is still a narrow slit that represents no real threat to the rich, and factionalism and winner-take-all elections sabotage any actual forward motion.
Meanwhile, the single-party state, unencumbered by having to tear itself apart in battles for the throne every four years, can focus on consensus and actual needs. Good governance can come from a sense of civic duty, or even a smartly weaponized corruption (if everyone thrives, my cut of graft grows with it!)
So does this mean China has better protection ? This is not a valid comment unless they are both starting from the same point.
Adolf Hitler was elected, as was Putin. All are essentially the sole control of their countries. Being a dictator is not summarised by the method you gain power; it is what you do with that power after it obtained.
China’s courts hold transphobic firings to be illegal. In the US similar protections generally don’t exist, and where they do, they actually don’t because of at will employment law.
He was not elected, he was appointed to his position. You should speak with less confidence on this subject until you can get basic facts right.
Putin won a bourgeois election. Also putin isn’t a dictator, he is the executive officer of a capitalist oligarchy.
No, being a dictator means you aren’t accountable to other political power structures. Xi can be instantly recalled by the constituent assembly if they want. The constituent assembly is made of representatives sent by local democratic councils.
Hitler’s party was elected in, much like the UK prime minister is not actually elected. Hitler still had to win a seat in the Reichstag, so…
Putin is a dictator. No one is allowed to stand against him. In the current election the 29 candidates who have tried to stand have had that right taken away from them for one reason or another. Putin has the final say on what goes on in Russia. Putin and Xi may have the illusion of being recalled, but it will not happen. Anyone who thinks otherwise is either spouting propaganda or one very gullible individual.
I can easily believe that the GOP are creating problem for the LBGQT community, but they are soon to be ousted from any power they posses. Many of the gerrymandering that has gone on has been reversed or will be in time for the next elections. In NY state alone this will be enough to overturn the lead the GOP has on blocking legislation.
As for the “at will employment” law China has exactly the same thing.
Where the incompetance is discretionary then there is little an employee can do to protect himself.
The USA has National anti discrimination laws, China has no discriminatory laws, but also has nothing to protect an individual.
So your idea that China is a better place to be doesn’t really hold water in my opinion. Yes, there are some republican states that are making things hard, but this is a very short lived episode in US politics imo.
The UK prime Minister is also appointed lol.
Notice how you didn’t include any evidence of Xi being a dictator
From your own link
Proving incompetence is a higher bar than at will employment actually
They materially don’t.
China isnt involved in carrying out a genocide rn, and China hasn’t destabilized the middle east through mass violence. China is better.
Aside from the fact that no one is allowed to run for elections unless they have party approval. China doesn’t even try to hide that there is no real democracy there.
They materially don’t.
Again subjective.
Come on. Uighurs must surely count as human beings. That is just plain wrong man.
That propaganda:
A) is being spread by adrien zenz, a nazi paid by a cia front group to spread shit, who claims God gave him a personal mission to destroy china
B) is old news that was abandoned when the area opened up for tourism again, and there were magically no camps
C) isn’t believed by basically every Muslim country on earth who sent delegations to see what was going on, meanwhile the US which cares so much about Muslims it is enabling genocide against muslims as we speak thought it is happening before they walked it back. Give me a break.