Too risky. Who knows what’s hiding in their code. Might be some copylefted library or a piece of code that’s been copy-pasted into the project without fully complying with the copyleft requirements. Making sure this isn’t the case and/or cleaning up an abandoned project can be costly and complicated. Easier for them to just kill it.
Too risky. Who knows what’s hiding in their code. Might be some copylefted library or a piece of code that’s been copy-pasted into the project without fully complying with the copyleft requirements. Making sure this isn’t the case and/or cleaning up an abandoned project can be costly and complicated. Easier for them to just kill it.
I love the distaste for the word that is opposite of left/the side of the political spectrum where fascism resides
There is actualy a definition for the term “copyleft”.
Are you describing WinAmp ?