Currently have nice long docker compose file that hosts my PiHole V6 container (along with a bunch of other containers) however, reason i ask this question is because whenever I go to pull an updated image and recreate the container I experience about 20 minutes of no DNS resolution which to my knowledge is due to the NTP clock being out of sync.
What’s the best way to host a DNS sinkhole/resolver that can mitigate this issue?
Was thinking of utilizing Proxmox & LXC but I suspect I’ll get the same experience.
Update: Turns out PiHole doesn’t support two instances, I got both of them on separate devices also set the 2nd DNS server in my routers WAN & LAN DNS settings which did in fact split DNS between both instances however, I lost access to my routers web-ui, my Traefik instance & reverse proxies died and I lost all internet access.
So, don’t do what I did.
Update 2: So everything I said in my first update let’s disregard that, turns out I had my router forcing all DNS to PiHole server 1 which caused my issues mentioned above.
Two servers appears to work!
Funny enough, the Pi Zero uses the CPU from the 3 and the Zero 2 uses the CPU from the 3+, so they’re both more powerful than a 2 anyway :)
No, the original Pi Zero uses the CPU of the Pi1 (only clocked higher). So it is quite a bit slower than a Pi 2, since it has only a single ARMv6 CPU core. Still fine for a DNS server on a typical home network.