Given the engineered collapse of USAID and the NIH in the USA, as well as their turning away from WHO support, what are the most likely future scenarios? Can the other developed nations mount a credible pandemic response without the resources of the USA?

I am especially interested in global perspectives because pathogens don’t need passports. How might this impact the global order?

    14 days ago

    I still don’t understand the obsession with tamiflu. The data is such that the average reduction in illness time is 16 hours, if and only if you take it within the first 48hrs of showing symptoms.

    And yet it’s both pushed and asked for well outside those parameters at great expense. It’s expensive, $75-150, depending, not always covered by insurance, and it’s not unusual for it to make people feel worse.

    My running theory it’s the same impetus that has people screaming (sometimes literally) for antibiotics for colds, some of whom genuinely believe it helps. That and pharma selling a thing.