Not like, casual “Hi, how are you?” but seriously, how are you? Are you sleeping okay, is everything in your personal life going all right? And if not, can Internet strangers do anything to help?

    17 days ago

    despite the whole everything

    Oh shit, I forgot about the whole everything! We’ve had elections here in Germany and it’s going as you would expect, with fascists making massive gains everywhere, and them there’s the US and the environment and the war in Ukraine (which is not very far away from here), well, the whole everything. We even have a German word for it: Gesamtscheiße (roughly translates to “the overall shit”)

    You can and should be very proud for getting help for your depression. Good job on surviving, I’m glad to hear that therapy is working. From what I understand, it’s a never ending fight against an enemy that gets stronger while you blink, so don’t give up. Have a meme:

    Have fun with Delian!