Not sure if off-topic, but what’s the best way to go about finding coding gigs at the moment? Need some urgent funds so need to reach out to people somehow.

I think of linkedin as a facebook for businesses leading you open to being spammed by agencies, which I don’t really want.

Though I have years of experience of coding across many languages and fields (audio, computer vision, e-commerce backends, etc), and github accounts over the years with some pushes to the core of a few major projects, I haven’t really kept the accounts, and past projects have nearly always been back-ends for clients so can’t exactly add them to a portfolio.

Languages I’m currently using would be python / php (including symfony and laravel), though happy to switch to javascript/html coding, some c/c++ etc, so I’m not tied to one area I guess.

Is there a decent place to advertise or, is there a better way lately? Thanks

    16 days ago

    The only slight difference is that they just want you to get any job, so they might push you to a job you don’t really want.

    A decent recruiter should push you towards any job they think you’ll do well at. They want to build relationships with companies and maintain a good relationship. They might not always be knowledgeable about skill sets and quirks of every industry, however.

    There are a few who will just push anyone to any job but they tend to be easy to weed out and either don’t last long or find a very specific niche where they can get away with that behavior.