By that I mean basically unexpected oases in your life where and by whom you feel nurtured and restored and just safe in the moment?

For me, it was a woman at work who became like a mother to me and I’ll think a bit more about physical spaces but that is a very important aspect also

Try not to say your home space cuz that should be a given. Think outside the crib

    5 months ago

    I live on an island in the Atlantic. There’s this beach cottage nestled in the dunes along the southern shore, and it’s been there for over a hundred years. The wealthy family that owns it no longer lives on the island, but they love the space and don’t want it to fall into ruin so they’ve had a series of caretakers for the past thirty years or so. The position is unpaid, BUT it comes with the freedom to use the property year-round. I was the caretaker for fifteen years, and a few years back passed the title down to a friend (so I can still visit.) It’s one of the most magical places on Earth, and every time I’m there it’s like my health and mana bars get refilled.