
  • 11 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 11th, 2023


  • The thing is, it only breaks sometimes (usually when I need it the most lol). Both are installed and I don’t think it would only not work sometimes if they were missing. I’m thinking of hopping to another distro haha I know it’s not arch’s fault, but this excuse is as good as any lmao

  • I saw a comment somewhere that said: “people have been burnt by Microsoft too many times, while Apple still has a benefit of the doubt for many people in regards to privacy”. People still have some trust in Apple, compared to MS.

    Edit: Found the comment by @[email protected]

    If Apple announced Recall? Apple wouldn’t announce Recall, that’s the whole point. Apple wouldn’t be so brazen and stupid to push a tool that is so obviously invasive and so poorly implemented. Apple earned its trust by not making those mistakes.

    But if they did decide to say fuck it and implement something like Recall, of course people would trust them. That’s what trust means: consumers take them at their word. But if it’s as bad as Microsoft’s Recall, Apple would burn all that trust when people found out.

    People don’t believe Microsoft because they have long since burned any trust and good will for most of their consumers. They have proven time and time again they don’t give a shit about users’ wants or needs, and users have felt that. So when they announce Recall, they have no earned trust. No believes them. There’s no good faith to cushion this. And it turns out everyone was right not to grant them that trust.

  • Im a simple man, less browser UI = good. I only want to see what I need to see. I’d hide the address bar if it wasn’t cumbersome to use with hover (as in hover at the top of the browser window to show the address bar).

    It’s more efficient to stack wide elements on top of each other than next to each other.

    Especially with websites that are optimised for mobile which means they use only the middle 60% of the whole 16:9 screen, not to mention ultrawide. So vertical space is needed more than horizontal space.

    In addition, you can have the vertical tabs hide the text, so you can only see the favicon, unless hovered over. I basically have a 50px bar on the left and top. So this (without the right sidebar, I’m not at my PC so I stole the photo from Reddit :P) :