• gnuhaut@lemmy.ml
      7 months ago

      The easiest way to project this outward to the public is to support the only state founded upon Jewish tradition, in comparison to the plethora of Christian or Islamic tradition ones.

      Well I guess that justifies the ethnic cleansing then, since it’s for the high-minded goal of creating an ethnostate for Jews. Who could object to that? Are Jews special in your mind to deserve an ethnostate? What about all the other historically oppressed groups? Maybe we should support creating ethnostates for them as well? And ethnically cleanse all the people currently living there?

  • gnuhaut@lemmy.ml
    7 months ago

    It shouldn’t come as a surprise that Germans still are racist, genocide-supporting pieces-of-shit, particularly if you know what a joke denazification was. I should know, I grew up here.

    The whole society is antisemitic, which is why they support Israel: The crypto-fascists can pretend not to be antisemitic by getting the all-clear by the “official” Jewish representative on earth, Israel, while at the same time secretly celebrating the fact that many Jews would rather go to Israel than return to Germany.

    The rest, which like to think of themselves as not racist, have developed a fetish towards Jews and Israel. A kind of “positive” racism, in which Jews (assumed to be one and the same as Israel) are not held to the same standard as everybody else. They should be allowed to ethnically cleanse and have an apartheid-ethnostate because of how extra fragile they are. In a German’s mind, all Jews are Zionists, they all deserve to steal land from Palestinians, and anyone who objects to this is clearly antisemitic, since that’s basically what present-day Judaism is all about. They’re not only playing into the hands of old-school antisemitism by insinuating that all Jews are, in fact, responsible for the horrific crimes of Israel: they’re painting a total caricature of Jews and Judaism at the same time. They are, therefore, racists.

    And then, of course, there’s a the other racism: Islamophobia. Hating on Muslims is a perfectly normalized and widespread, even among “lefty” liberals. And to a German, a Palestinian is just another kind of Muslim, really.

    • DdCno1@beehaw.org
      7 months ago

      That is the second most unhinged comment I’ve read here today. What complete nonsense. Literally every single thing you are saying is not just wrong, but diametrically opposed to the actual truth.

      • gnuhaut@lemmy.ml
        7 months ago

        Oho, is that so? Have you looked at literally any comment section anywhere in the German-speaking internet (and I’m not just talking about conservative newspapers): There’s a ton of shit that goes unmoderated and barely pushed back on, about how Islam is a barbaric religion, they’re backwards culture is just incompatible with “our enlightenment values”, they should assimilate or get out, and so on. People speak like this real life too, I’m like bio-German and people will say shit like that to me, and except me to agree with them. They’re very surprised when they get pushback. Some quite openly, others sort of couched in some way so as not to appear too racist.

        And that Germans have a super weird complex about Jews is 100% true. They’re like a prop they get out whenever it’s convenient, usually to make themselves look humble and reformed. Meanwhile, literally every politician is constantly proclaiming unconditional support for Israel as a “Jewish state”, that has a “right to exist” and “right to defend itself”, which actually means (though that’s not usually spelled out explicitly) to have a Jewish ethnostate, to not let Palestinians return from the areas they were ethnically cleansed from, and to slaughter Palestinians for daring to fight back against what is actually an attack, and not in any way “defense”. To deny any rights of Palestinians basically.

  • Ooops@kbin.social
    7 months ago

    Funny how those people protesting openly for Palestinians without any problem, the people constantly criticising Israel’s government openly and in the media and the people equally loudly critisising the German government for their one-sided comments in the beginning are somehow telling the story of how they are suppressed and censored. (Funnily enough the other half also criticed them, but for not instantly stopping humanitarian aid to Gaza… so basically it doesn’t matter anymore anyway. The government is wrong by definition, then people look for arguments to justify that statment.)

    And yeah, sure. We know that fairy tale about not being allowed to say anything is popular, the other morons on the conservative to right side sing the same song. But it gets really boring after a while. In particular when you complain about not being allowed to speak quite openly in the media.

    If you don’t feel home in Germany because the support of Israel after an outright terror attack frustrates you or because you feel censored for not being allowed to openly call for the murder of all jews (or the destruction of Germany to create a new caliphate here - yes that also happened and was a reason for some restrictions on protests), then we did a good job for once. Yes, you are not supposed to feel home here.

    The other saner ones can happily join with Germans also constantly criticising Israel. We know that there is no good side in this conflict. And Israel’s goverment has enough right-wing idiots competing with Hamas in insane genocide narratives (that are at best lightly criticised for their comments when such lunatics shouldn’t have a job in government at all) to have earned their fair share of the blame.

    Ffs… if you want to honestly criticise anything, then there is enough. Acts from fringe idiots against muslims are happening, just like acts of antisemitism are happening. Most of those are commited by a stupid minority that is fortunately shrinking, but sadly also becoming more radical and visible. I feel for everyone on both sides that is feeling less safe in Germany at the moment (although I really don’t think that this isn’t a German problem - not when I open international news and get similiar reports from elsewhere). That’s something we can’t talk enough about so please address those problems loudly.

    But people pretending to (or actually feeling) suppressed because they can’t call for a genocide openly anymore or who alternatively try to innocently criticise Israel’s government while openly associating with those genocidal voices… please leave.

    And people seeing a rise in antisemitic and anti-muslim actions rise side-by-side, even acknowledging that it’s coming from the same right-wing idiots (like the one quoted in the article), but then turning around and criticising Germany’s support of Israel’s right to exist as the reason to not feel at home here anymore… get your head checked.

    Or stop lying… saying you are not allowed to protest for a free country in a report that actually shows a picture from a recent demonstration, prominently showing “Freedom for Plalestine” and “Stop the occupation terror” banners is either delusional or a bad attempt of gas lighting.

    • velox_vulnus@lemmy.ml
      7 months ago

      Translation: "We did the bare fucking minimum about teaching our people that we did a ‘bad thing’. This ‘bad thing’ also happens to be a convenient excuse to hide our war crimes in other parts of the world.

      And hey, we can’t trust ourselves from comitting this horrific act again, so we’ll greenlight for the existence of something as barbaric and backward as an ethno-religious state in the 21st century, at the cost of killing and displacing the natives, instead of bringing rehabilitative schemes in our own land.

      We’ll also make sure to shove this down the throats of other groups that we have exploited, while also making them feel guilty of our crimes, knowing in full that they had nothing to do with it, and wonder in confusion about why they’re angry at us - oh, are we supposed to apologize to them by not selectively rejecting other parts of the history? Get over it, shit happen! Also, this will no longer be our burden, and hey, we’re the good guys now!"

      • Ooops@kbin.social
        7 months ago

        Yeah, that famous “we don’t talk about and don’t teach history” in Germany with barely mentioning enough to use it as a cover for imaginary war crimes in all these wars Germany is involved in all over the world…

        Is there a common guide to your alternative reality or are you pulling this stuff out of your ass as you go?