I suspect people are reading the headline and downvoting this post.
The article covers how a popular AI trend on social media is making talentless hacks money by posting AI generated images of “family members” stood by a piece of art and saying “my grandfather carved this but nobody appreciates his work”. Then gullible people on Facebook willingly give them money believing it’s real.
Fair, but then isn’t the headline quite bad ?
It’s a play on words from the scam posts. Unfortunately for the author the subhead doesn’t get shared.
It seems to not RTFA is a time honoured tradition we’ve carried with us from Slashdot, to reddit, and now to Lemmy.
Now, to any person who has ever seen an AI image or indeed seen anything in the real world, you’d think it would be obvious that these are fake images. … And yet, other each of this images there are hundreds, sometimes thousands of positive comments. …
So braindead and stereotypical are these comments that you might think they are themselves AI generated. But, picking a few at random, I checked out their profiles and they seem genuine. … They did also all seem to be active churchgoers but that must be some kind of coincidence…
Shots fired.
If people used their brains, they would not go to church. Seems logical to me.