I’m not from the US, so I’m curious why Americans still wants him back. I always see him as a bad mouthed guy and was worse when he lost in 2020. But feel free to change my mind. This question is also for non-trump supporters who can think of one thing (if you can) on why he’s good for the top position.

  • Bobr@lemmy.libertarianfellowship.org
    8 months ago

    Read further then. Familiarize yourself with the Foundations of Geopolitics, the very geopolitical playbook Putin is carrying out as we speak.

    Well, obviously I can’t read it in a reasonable amount of time to continue this discussion, so maybe instead you would be so kind to tell me what exactly from that book makes you say that?

    Immigration occurring != Russians liking immigration.

    So, you must like immigration in order to not be nazi? This seems like an even weirder take for me, really… I think it is mostly western countries that are actively supporting immigration, it doesn’t really happen on a similar scale in the rest of the world… Middle east, most of Asia (Japan, South Korea, etc.), are they all nazis by that logic?..

    Yes, Ukraine is low on the list, but above Russia.

    So as I said, nearby.

    Does that make Ukraine Nazis?

    Your previous paragraph is talking about corruption and journalist freedom, I’ve never said that this is what makes Ukrainian government Nazis…

    Is there any evidence whatsoever that Zelenskyy himself as a Jew and whose ancestors died in the Holocaust is, himself, an anti-Semite or Nazi-sympathizer?

    Well, posting photos with Azov brigade’s commander (that even you agreed are nazi), seems to be a good indicator of being a nazi-supporter, wouldn’t you say?
    What about him supporting Stepan Bandera (you still didn’t say what you think about that great guy btw), another nazi?

    Does that justify Putin’s aggressive invasion of a sovereign nation just like Hitler did with Poland? Any reasonable person would say of course not.

    But where did I say that??
    It was not even me who brought nazism into this discussion, some guy read my other comments and tried to somehow invalidate my opinion using the fact that I say that Ukrainian government is nazi (btw it’s a fallacy and doesn’t work like that), I’ve never said that it justified anything, I’m just arguing that nazism in Ukrainian government is very real and widespread. Please don’t put words in my mouth :)

    Yeah, I think they probably have. … Naturally, proportionality matters.

    Well, we will know how much war crimes were commited by each side after the war, now it’s just propaganda from both sides.
    Anyway, saying that Ukraine is more righteous to commit war crimes is not cool and dehumanizing.

    if Russia decided to end its imperial efforts.

    Why stop at that, we might go even further back and say that there would be no war at all if there were no nazism in Ukraine…
    Anyway, going back into history and pointing fingers can be done indefinitely, so this is not very productive IMHO. I prefer to discuss what is happening right now.
    And anyway, I did not say that Russia is not to blame for the war. It doesn’t make it the only one who is responsible for what is happening right now. It is not Putin thanks to whom people are afraid to leave their homes because they might get forcefully sent to the army, it’s Zelensky.

    I already explained this which went ignored: Ever hear the adage, “The enemy of my enemy is my friend”?

    So, would I be correct to rephrase this as “it’s okay to be nazi (well, I’d argue that being friend with nazi and promoting them makes you nazi as well) as long as it helps you against your enemy”?
    Because if so - we don’t actually need to continue arguing, you seem to not deny Ukrainian government being nazis but instead trying to justify it… I’m only trying to say they are nazis, I’m not trying to say whether it is justified or not :)

    I call bullshit :) — I’d love proof of your Ukrainian nationality; I otherwise do not believe it. Boy, are you in the deep, deep minority if you are. Orban and Trump can definitely settle this war tomorrow — by giving Putin what he wants and expecting Ukraine to capitulate lol.

    Well, I’m not going to give you a scan of my passport, sorry :)
    But what exactly makes you feel so? Is admitting your own government is nazi what makes it so unbelivable? I’m sure Americans will be saying the same if Trump gets elected…
    As for saying that I’m in a deep minority, again what makes you think so? Do you really think all the people that are being kidnapped on the streets and get sent to die have any sympathy for Zelensky??
    You may not believe me, but every single Ukrainian friend I have hates Zelensky, because thanks to him, either they or their father/husband/brother/etc. might be caught on a street and sent to die at any time.
    The absolute majority of people who support him are those who will not be the ones dying in the war, or at least those who believe that they won’t. Which btw includes you and any other foreigner who supports him. It’s cool and easy to support a war, when you are not forced to die in it.