Yes I do, and it’s totally different than Gutenberg or Turing. But as soon as AI is programmed with “ideological bias” it becomes an agenda, a tool to manipulate people. Besides, it’s training people to think less, and put in less effort. It will have long term negative effects on society.
You are kind of getting upset, so I assume you work in the AI field in some way? I think the development of AI is interesting, intriguing, and opens many doors to many possibilities. But I still think it’s a bad idea. It’s not that I don’t trust AI, it’s that I don’t trust humans, and they are the ones implementing AI.
Quote from Jurassic Park, that I think applies to AI well:
“We were so preoccupied with whether we could, we didn’t stop to think if we should.”
Yeah, but the problem is calling people’s opinions worthless. Them’s fightin’ words. There are so many other ways one can phrase it without being blunt.
I have a completely different take. They’re stating a personal preference (or an attitude rather than an opinion) that can resonate with other commenters. If I’m expressing something like that, my intent is to hopefully promote the idea to not give a damn so we can collectively move on. That’s why I don’t find it worthless at all.
The same can be applied to the reply: it’s someone promoting the attitude of finding those opinions superfluous, but they’re mean about it for whatever reason.
Why? Why should it be shut down?
Why didn’t we shut down Gutenberg or Turing?
Ai isn’t just the crap you type into chatgpt or Gemini going crazy with Google searches.
You know nothing about AI what it does and what it is.
Yes I do, and it’s totally different than Gutenberg or Turing. But as soon as AI is programmed with “ideological bias” it becomes an agenda, a tool to manipulate people. Besides, it’s training people to think less, and put in less effort. It will have long term negative effects on society.
A search engine also impedes your thinking.
Some search engines more than others!
This is how they tried to suppress the calculator in schools.
This has been said about every significant invention ever.
Well, do you see where society is at now?
It seems like it has been subject to many long term negative effects over the past decade or so.
AI is a totally different ballgame, and I’m sure you know this.
No you don’t otherwise you wouldn’t be saying any of this.
You are kind of getting upset, so I assume you work in the AI field in some way? I think the development of AI is interesting, intriguing, and opens many doors to many possibilities. But I still think it’s a bad idea. It’s not that I don’t trust AI, it’s that I don’t trust humans, and they are the ones implementing AI.
Quote from Jurassic Park, that I think applies to AI well: “We were so preoccupied with whether we could, we didn’t stop to think if we should.”
Unless AI can find me a way to travel back in time to 2012 I really dont care about AI development AT ALL
Congratulations. Your comment is less than worthless.
And your comment is quite rude.
He never said the commenter was worthless.
Yeah, but the problem is calling people’s opinions worthless. Them’s fightin’ words. There are so many other ways one can phrase it without being blunt.
All he said was that he doesn’t care and some other nonsensical stuff. This comment doesn’t add anything. Not even an expression of an opinion.
But to be fair: the response doesn’t add much either.
I have a completely different take. They’re stating a personal preference (or an attitude rather than an opinion) that can resonate with other commenters. If I’m expressing something like that, my intent is to hopefully promote the idea to not give a damn so we can collectively move on. That’s why I don’t find it worthless at all.
The same can be applied to the reply: it’s someone promoting the attitude of finding those opinions superfluous, but they’re mean about it for whatever reason.
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